Chapter 7

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See, normally, Elle has pretty good taste in boys. I trust her with that. Atleast, i used to! Now, I'm having second thoughts on it. I mean, seriously, Jerkface? Hottie? You have GOT to be kidding me. 

Sarah, one of my other good friend, came up behind Lau. 

''Hey guys! What's going on?'' she asked in her ever chirpy tone.

''Hi, S. Lau here has lost it. Can you help me with fixing her train of thought?'' i asked.

''What? What did I do?'' Lau asked. She was so pre occupied that she din't even ask it like she wanted to know the answer. 

''Sure. You are all fine. That's why you think that Jerkface is hot.'' I snapped at her.

That seemed to get her attention. 

''Jerkface? You know him? And, isn't it so darn obvious that he is over the top hot?'' She shot questions at me.

''Hold up, guys. Who are we talking about here?'' asked Sarah.

''That guy on the court...'' L said, pointing in that direction, ''who's now coming toward us...'' she trailed off.

''Yes, Jerkface. He is so rude.'' I said.

''Kat, you should-'' Lau said, but i cut her off.

''And, hot? No, he so isn't.''

''Kat, really-''

''He is the opposite of hot!'' i say, with a sarcastic laugh. ''And-''

''And?'' A voice asked from behind.

I froze. Because it wasn't just anyone. It was Jerkface.

He came and stood in front of me. ''You should probably close your mouth, you know.'' he said.

I stared at him, completely befuddled for a few seconds, then realizing that he meant me, I immediately shut my mouth.

I turned to look at my friends. Lau was too busy staring at him- For God's sake, L!- and Sarah was looking at me with an expression that said, ''We were trying to tell you, you wouldn't listen!''

I looked at her with pleading eyes. And then remembering that he could see me as well, I turned to look at him. He had a sort of a amused expression. Maybe because he wanted to see how I was gonna reply. 

I was so not going to give him that satisfaction!

''And what?'' I asked, trying to sound nonchalant, whereas inside, I have to be strong. I cannot let him know I was talking about him. It'll just be too rude. And no matter his rudeness, I was not going to be like that.

''You should be telling me that.'' he said with a smirk beginning to form on his face.

''Actually, no. Because I was talking to them, not you.'' I said wiith a mock of a smile.

He turns his attention to Sarah and L. Lau nervously checks if she's looking alright and gives him a starry eyed smile.

Kill me. NOW!

He lets out a small laugh.

''To what do i owe the honour of coming across you two pretty ladies?'' he asks, holding out his hand to Lau.


Lau just stands there dumbfounded for two whole minutes or so. And then she holds out her hand and says something like, ''Uhh....'' 

I do not know this girl. 

Sarah nudges her hard and Lau snaps out of her trance. 

Lau lets out a nervous laugh, ''Hey, I'm Laureen. Laureen Jennings.''

Oh, she can speak! 

He gives her a nod and holds his hand out to Sarah as well. 

Sarah is not the type to go swooning after boys. At this point, I worshipped her for that. 

''Hey, Sarah Parker.'' she said, shaking his hand.

''Ms. Campbell!'' a female voice boomed diagonally from us. 

I snapped my head toward it to find Mrs. Woodsen waiting for me.

She waggled her finger at me, asking me to go to her. I got scared because she had a pretty stern expression on. But then again, she always had the same expression. 

I shot a nervous gance at my friends and walked towards Mrs. Woodsen.

Mrs Woodsen is our Economics teacher. She's not that old, probably in her early forties. She always dresses in the regualrs, a pair of pants with a shirt - usually white - a pair of not so big black heels with her hair tied up in a bun and the everpresent glasses strung around her neck. She was prett good, but she could get irritating at times. And, besides, Eco wasn't a subject that majority of the students could like. As for me, I could tolerate the subject.  

''Yes, ma'am?'' I asked once i reached her. 

''That boy standing with you? Is he the new kid?'' she asked.

''Yes ma'am.'' I answered. 

''Well, then. I have a job for you. You will sit with him in class and fill him in on all the projects and topics we've covered till now. Is that alright?'' she asked.

I was surprised she was even asking. It's not like I could say no now, could I ?

''Sure, ma'am.'' I replied with a smile. 

''Good.'' she said and walked towards the staff room. 

You must be thinking how I'm feeling right now.. 

What can I say ? I'm on cloud nine! *Note the heavy sarcasm*

A.N : So ya, finally, my new unedited chappie. Sorry for the delay. Enjoy. :D


H. :)

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