Chapter 17

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Katie's POV

 ''You're really late for someone're just really late.'' 

''I know I know and I'm sorry. I was caught up in work. The hotel manager thinks he's the boss of me.''

''A. He kind of is your boss, you know.'' 

''Yeah whatever. Stop laughing at my expense. It's not funny anyways.''

''Hey! You can't deprive me of my birth right! And, it is funny.''

''From when did laughing at my expense become your birth right? Not. Funny.''

''No, stupid. Laughing is. At your expense is just my right. Is.''

''I can so see you winking. You sickly sweet evil girl. Not.''






...Pain comes in different forms. It can be as small as a pin prick or as big as birth pangs. It can be as predictable as playing Mercy or as unpredictable as well, any Final Destination scene. Take your pick. 

I jerked up from my pillow, beads of sweat on my forehead, dampening my hair a little. My head was slightly throbbing, maybe because of the sudden jerk. Or chances are it can be because of that abnormally whacked dream I had. Can I even call it a dream? It was like some blast from the past thing. Except, I don't remember having a conversation like that with anybody. And who was A? Asher Book? Oh Oh! Alex Pettyfer! Oh, what wouldn't I give. Hmm, anyways. 

I turned to look at the clock and- Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. My neck was going to break any minute. I couldn't move it an inch. Dammit. Let me tell you, it's not a very pleasant morning when you get up all of a sudden thanks to a dream only to be greeted by a neck catch. 

Staying in the same position for literally two minutes, I realized I couldn't stay like that forever so, with a blind eye- literally - I got off my bed and went and splashed cold water on my face. With difficulty, if I might add. After brushing my teeth and having a rather weird bath, if you know what I mean. Okay, you can stop using your head just 

After chanting the word ''Ow'' for atleast a hundred times, I left my room and went downstairs. I kept my bag on the couch and walked to the kitchen. There was a note left on the kitchen board. 

Some work came up at the office. The breakfast is kept on the table, just heat it and see to it that Jonah eats as well. There's some juice in the fridge. Sorry. Love, mom. 

She really needed to stop saying sorry and treating me like, well, Jonah. I went down the hall and into his room. It was only for the privileged few to see, in Jonah's words. I got in, crept up to the bed and BOO'ed the living hell out of him. He got up screaming and lashing his hands out. Thankfully I was standing far enough for me not to get hurt. I laughed like a maniac while he tried to register what was happening. And when he finally did, the guy jumped out of his bed and came for me with revenge written all over his face.

Aware of my catch I turned my whole body around and ran out, locking him in just at the right time.

"Open the door, you wimp!"

"Haw. Have some respect man. I'm your ELDER sister. Now go get ready for school, it's already getting late.", I shot back.

"Argh! I don't have school today, you idiot! You woke me up for nothing!"

Oh. I guess mom forgot about that.

"Right. Okay then, since you're up get fresh and sit. I'm leaving for school. Everything's kept on the dining table. Okay, bye!"

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