Chapter 6

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It's a proven fact that there are seven look-alikes in this World. 

That was the ony possible explanation that i could conjure up in my head at that moment. Because i definitely hadn't crossed paths with this guy before, leave alone owing him a hundred and twenty five dollars. And to strenghten my point, he had just moved here. 

''Umm, Excuse-moi, did i hear that right ?'' i said, surprising myself because I was pretty shy around new people .

''Darn right you did! Not that i can't afford it, but you should really think twice before shoving a couple of bills in a guy's hand who's car you just banged and think that you can call it even.'' he spat at me.

''Whoa, dude, what are you-'' i stopped speaking when what he said registered. Bills? Car just banged? Oh Good Lord. ''I am SO SO SO very sorry for that day! We had to leave immediately.'' i gushed.

I was expecting an ''it's alright'' or ''it's cool'' or atleast a smile. Well, my expectations went down the drain.

He completely ignored my apology and gave me a ''Yeah, right!'' look which made me want to throw a brick at him. Urghh! Such a jerk!

Mr. Walter cleared his throat, probably indicating his presence in the room.

''So i see you two have already met. Good. Now, Ms. Campbell, I've already given Mr. Ivanov all the papers he needs, i would like you to help him with it and show him around the school as well. I hoep that won't be a problem..'' he said nervously, trying to ease the tension in his office.

''Ofcourse, sir. I would love to.'' i said, with a fake smile plastered on my face and sarcasm dripping from my mouth.

''Duh, you would. The question was for me.'' the jerkhead muttered, so only i could hear him.

I wasn't normally like this, but my anger was skyrocketing and if he said one more thing, i'm pretty sure i would hit him on his big head, irrespective of Mr. Walter being there.

''Well then, go on the two of you. You have a lot of work at hand.'' said Mr. Walter in a dismissing way.

He walked out the second Mr. Walter finished saying those words like some resume buttong was activated. 

I thanked Mr. Walter and hurried out. He wasn't in sight. I went down the stairs and saw him surveying the basketball ground.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down and walked over to where he was standing.

''My name's Katie. Yours?'' i asked.

''You have a pretty good basketball court here.'' he said, completely ignoring my question.

Katie, you don't know him. Just leave it.

''Yeah, it's the second largest in Sheffield.'' i answered.

''Where are the balls?'' he asked,  actually acknowledging my presence for the first time.

''In a room at the other end of the court.'' i replied with a smile.

''Oh.'' he said, with a slightly dejected tone.

''You want to like throw a few hoops? I can get them for you.'' i offered.

''That would be nice.'' he said.

I ran across the court and opened the door to the room. It was really small, solely used for keeping the basketballs, atleast, legally...

I picked up a ball and walked out, closing the door behind me. I walked a few steps further and threw the ball towards him, which landed safely in his hands. (yay!)

He started dribbling it and moved towards the spot for 3 pointers and shot the ball through the hoop effortlessly. 

''I'm taking it you were the best basketball player back at your school.'' i said, staring at his in awe.

''Nah, just an average player.'' he said in a casual tone.

''Woah, dude, hold it with the modesty or i might just pass you off as a sweet guy.'' i said, mockingly. Where the hell was all of this coming from ?! 

He let out a small laugh and continued shooting hoops. I was gonna ask him as to why he moved when the period bell rang and the students spilled out of their classes to switch buildings for their next class.

Slowly people noticed the dark haired, tall, lean -in a non-anorexic way- guy who was playing in their court. Some of the girls gawked at him while some shot him flirty looks oblivious to the fact that he wasn't even looking their way.

''Oh the mighty God! Who IS that hottie?'' i heard an all too familiar vioce say from behind me.

I turned to find Lau along with Ann. I was wondering whom they were talking about when i saw their eyes glued to Jerkface.

A.N : Hello, my lovebirds. ^_^

Presenting *drum rolls* my latest unedited chapter ! xD and and, it's longer that the others. :') yaay ! xP 

Hope you'll like it. Vote and comment, it'd mean the world ! :)) That's all for now. :D

- H. <3

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