Chapter 1: Moenia

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"In the world, people have shown that human beings are as good as their hearts allow them to be and as evil as their stomachs can tolerate. Wherever there is the conflict between which of the two evils is the least worse, the winner will be the one who will write the story; thus, becoming the good one.

Men want to ride out as conquerors bent on conquest, but how is that done? History shows us that it is achieved with power; how is power achieved? Many believes that money achieves it... the issue is that you can have all the money in the world, but if you mess up with other's money, no matter how much you have, you are condemned. Sometimes a strong idea gives you power, but sometimes that idea becomes obsolete, and your power plummets like Icarus who wanted to fly to the Sun. Sometimes having many associates and contacts gives you power, but you can't always have everyone happy. You know what they say: 'Friend to all is friend to none'. Sometimes you cheat and betray to get to the top; you plot here and conspirate there, but if you bite the wrong person's ass, you're dead. Woe! You will wish that sweet lovely death came fast.

It is a complicated game, in which we all have to adapt to the way others play; the rules change, but now... no, it was never a game of good guys against bad guys. Interests have a say, and interests are selfish. It seems like nothing will change and we have to shrug our shoulders and say 'Well, shit!'. Unless, of course, a nutcase comes out of nowhere wanting to change the Status Quo... just like Lucifer wanted to do. Although of course, Lucifer fell like lightning from the heavens. Where can someone succeed where Lucifer failed?

The City, which seems to be protected by a Star Mantle, is a Microcosm of the world, and that's why now it seems that its apple of Discord tempts everyone; but, in the end, it is the City, the living representation of the World's Status Quo, that ends up winning. The City never loses; and if it does, it snatches at last!

But something interesting happens, something that I have never seen in all the time I've been here: I see girls, some with a stormy past; others part of the Status Quo, others with a past that is nothing extraordinary; with different motivations, from the deepest to the most mundane. I have seen them trying to challenge this giant made of steel, neon and electricity, trying to maintain their dignity and humanity. Some have failed and lost, others continue to fight; of those, some suffer, others will never be the same... but they keep fighting.

Ironically, their fight manifests itself while they fight each other in a Coliseum that entertains all those nefarious souls that are part of the City, those who are part of the Status Quo. Nevertheless, they refuse to fall. Could it be that when they fight each other they feel like they are fighting against the City?

Maybe, just maybe, they'll form that entity that will challenge the City. That'll be up to them, because now Intra Moenia the gates of hell will open, as the worst of humanity remains to be seen; of course, hell can break loose, and its great dukes can storm our paradise, but against those who dare to touch my girls, "Eldrichtian Monster" is the only term that will come close to the beast I'll unleash upon them."


The City

The City was roaring ferociously; however, there was something different: despite the noise of cars, nightclubs, malls, restaurants, and other places of pleasure and leisure, people were talking about the events that had occurred in recent days. The "Sanctity" of the City had been violated with reports of police entering bars and clubs, shootings, dismembered bodies appearing in the outskirts of the city. A strange enemy had penetrated Intra Moenia... or perhaps the enemy was always inside, but now decided to embark on a civil war. Despite this turbulence, it seems that, for now, everything has returned to normal... although it looks more like 'the calm before the storm'; that, or maybe the jackals tried to take over the savanna, thinking the lions would leave, but to their frustration, more lionesses arrived. They'll have to wait, but they won't give in.

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