Chapter 6: Depeche Mode

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Vienna, Austria

The cage waited for both grapplers; despite being a friendly sparring session, everything could happen with these two.

Dragana entered the cage: wearing a blue leotard with a sports brand on her chest, red wrestling shoes and knee sleeves. The girl was warming up, until Aurora arrived, wearing her pink wrestling leotard that Bunny gave to her.

-Hello! -Aurora greeted singly, as she was coming out of her dressing room. The girl entered the cage, walking firmly, but with a somewhat playful aura-. Oh, hey, I hadn't seen that gear on you.

-When I really fight I prefer to use black.

-You look very good, I like how the blue looks on you.

-Are you coming to fight or to give me classes about fashion?

-Hee, hee, sorry. Ready, baby?

-I'm not your baby.

-I'll make you my baby when I make you tap.

-You're annoying, but I'm just going to shut your mouth.

-Show me! –Aurora smiled confidently.

The two get into a Grappling position, approaching each other and trying to go for the other's weak spot to take the other down. Both collided in a Lock Up, "dancing" around and struggling, wanting to take the other to the mat. The clinch, seemingly basic, progressively became more aggressive, as the two twisted their arms to try to grab the other's head or body, just to end in a stalemate. The two of them breathed deeply, huffed and panted at the effort they were making.

-Hngh... you are hard nut to crack.

-Stop the chatter.

-How about this?

Aurora was beginning to make Dragana retreat by taking steps forward, pushing her towards the mesh.

-Tch... stop playing with me.

Dragana used Aurora's strength against her, taking her down Judo style, but the brown-haired girl stepped her foot forward, preventing from being taken to the mat. She-Wolf spun aggressively, cornering her opponent against the cage while holding her in an hug.

-Ghh... Ah!

-What about now?

Aurora said in Dragana's ear, while she squeezed her back and waist tightly in that Bear hug, at the same time that she sandwiched her against the mesh. The Croatian, avoiding falling into her mind games, also hugs her opponent, trapping her arms as well and putting pressure on her elbows to make Aurora's grip weaken. The struggle was at a stalemate. The European tried to get the Hispanic off of her by pushing her, although it was like trying to move an oak tree. Aurora giggled at her opponent's futile efforts.

-You can't?

Ignoring her, Dragana insisted on trying to push her, to no avail. Aurora, while trying to push her opponent against the cage again, is surprised that she took advantage of the momentum to turn around with her opponent still held, and then throw her into a Belly to Belly Suplex, although the fact that Aurora was holding tightly to her opponent caused her to almost fall on her face. The Croatian wastes no time and begins to wrestle down her rival, which she blocks by raising her legs in a Spider Guard, forcing Dragana to look for different positions to full mount her. After slithering on the canvas, Jarni moves to the left, pinning Aurora, who turned her body to avoid being pinned, and now she is the one who took her opponent with a front headlock, forcing Dragana to stand up, but her opponent didn't let her go from that lock, struggling the two in position.

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