Capítulo 4: The Cardigans

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The City

Alexandra de Souza, the beautiful Brazilian martial artist known as Aleconda, was in her apartment with Kitahara. Alan, the thin, latin boy who served as Ale's "housekeeper," served them coffee.

-Domo arigato gozaimasu.

-Uh... you're welcome.

-Oh, do you understand Japanese?

-Not at all, I just know that you said: 'Thank you'.

-So you wouldn't understand a conversation.


The Japanese man smiled warmly, which meant that the conversation with Alan was over.

-Thank you very much, Alan –Ale thanked-. Please, leave us for a while. When we're done, I'll buy Dinner for both of us.

-Thank you, permiso.

-He seems like a reliable guy -says Kitahara as he watched the young man leave-.

-The most reliable.

-If it's true that he doesn't know Japanese, I think it would be better for you and me to speak in it.


The two began to speak in said language.

-I visited one of Amazon's Coliseum girls.


-If I say it, he will understand who I'm talking about. The only thing I can tell you is that she was the girl who lived a lot with that Greek woman and the Croatian girl. Don't play fool on me, you know who she is.

-Why are you doing this?

-Why it would be? Did you know what is happening in this city? Do you know the kind of people who've just arrived?


-That's right, that person she wants to take revenge on has some assets here in the City. He will be running for the Sangiin soon. He has made an impeccable reputation in Japan...

-Reputation that is a facade.

-And our bosses want us to leave him alone. He has earned the trust of many in the Diet and in the country's upper echelons; the Prime Minister has only heard wonders of him.

-And what does the Naichou think?

-We are the ones who prevent the Prime Minister from hearing the words of that man and his acolytes, but we know that if we act directly against him, the domestic political conflict that will be unleashed will destroy everything we work for to stabilize Japan after the Post-Pandemic.

-And everything just to recover that global position that you feel you must recover.

-In this world we need stability to avoid showing weakness to the other geopolitical predators out there. We are not willing to lower our heads ever again to the Koreans, the Chinese, the Russians; even the Vietnamese and the Indonesians. I want to believe you understand, Are-san.

-I understand -Ale said with a serious face, but her look revealed that she did not agree-. And what did she told you?

-She won't yield, so I told her that I can't guarantee her well-being for what's about to come if she keeps going; even Chocolate won't be able to do much either once the mayhem starts. And you know that. Chocolate's cornered, and she may know how to defend herself, but in the end, she has bitten the butts of not only criminals and gangsters, but also of incredibly powerful people.

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