Chapter 17: Volovan

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Tbilisi, Georgia

-I've been participating in these circuits for a while now... since I was about 17. I started venturing into this because I had no way to support myself since the death of my father, who was a major in the Croatian army. I never met my mother; my father only told me that one day she "left", never to be seen again. Since I was a young girl I was... very problematic. From school on, getting into fights; you know... idiotic boys who tease you because you're not feminine enough, making comments about your body. I used to get into fights against boys at college... the first few times ended badly, but then my father taught his own fighting style, which I use to this days. Afterwards, no one dared to mess with me anymore, although I think that, more than respect, was fear, after I almost took out a boy's eye after mauling him badly. Of course, the principal didn't do anything to me because my father was an army officer with connections... which, in retrospect, I'm ashamed of. I'd rather be expelled from school than have my father intimidate a school principal.

Dragana was talking to Aurora, while both, in bed, where without any clothes. Aurora was hugging her from behind.

-Then, that day came when my father, for some reason, was involved in a fight... he was strangled until coma.

-Did your dad get into any trouble or something?

-I never knew under what circumstances it happened, I only know that he was in some kind of clandestine fighting bout. I never knew why he was involved in that situation. I received a call that he was in the hospital and was in a coma. 3 days later, he was brain dead. He passed away.

-And... I guess they caught your father's murderer.

-... Aurora...

The girl's blood ran cold; that deathly silence screamed at her that the answer would be something she never thought she would hear.

-These last few days... no, these last months we have been living with my father's murderer.

-N-no... don't tell me that...

-That's right, Chocolate killed my father. It shouldn't be a surprise to you that, in addition to that, she is one of the most powerful criminals, not in the City, but in the world.

-... b-but... Why didn't you tell me that before? I mean, if I had known... I...

-You what?

-... I-I don't know how to judge her... if I also killed someone.

-... Really?

-Yes, but it doesn't compare to what it happened to you. I killed a criminal in self-defense, and Chocolate killed your father. Well I wouldn't know if the one I killed had children, but I doubt that your father was a rapist like the one I killed. But what I can say is that she should not be unpunished, she should pay for what she did.

-And that is the reason why I am here...

-W-what will you do?

-Fight her.

-Are you out of your mind? How are you going to beat her? People say she is fearsome in combat.

-She is indeed, and that's why I need to prove that I can beat her. It's no longer just about winning the tournament to get to her, but to prove that I have the strength to be a rival for her... no, not just to rival her, but to be the one who defeats her.

-Are you going to kill her?

-No... I'm not going to be like her. I will only defeat her, but the one who will take care of her as such will be another person.

-... Prosecutor Cabrera, I guess.

-Although now it is difficult.

-And Chocolate knows...?

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