Chapter 12: Duran Duran

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Vilnus, Lithuania

The two girls of Amazon's Coliseum were ready to face the Hall of the Grapplers; in this case, Dragana was about to face Dimitros Minou in a sanctioned submission match in front of the full members of that Colosseum.

And as if he were a fighting bull, Dimitros lunges towards Dragana, who manages to dodge him and go for his legs, but the man was tough as an oak, gut-wrenching from the front to the back and lifting her in a Gutwrench Suplex. The Croatian didn't flinch and insisted on taking him by the crook of is knee, push him and turn his body to subdue him. The audience was impressed because everyone acknowledged the toughness of the so-called "Bull of Heraklion", but it seemed that the Dragon of Osijek was as fierce. The Greek did everything possible to avoid being pinned down, but Dragana maneuvered both her and his opponent's bodies in such a way that she rolled him sideways, hook him in the area between the thigh and the groin, lift him up and Suplexed him. Dragana now maneuvered him and attempted a Guillotine Choke with Bodyscissors. Her opponent, who placed his arm between her chest and throat to push her away, although she didn't release the bodyscissors, blocked her strangulation attempt. To shorten the distance and have a better guard control, the Croatian hugged his torso to prevent him from escaping, gripping him tightly with her 4 limbs, but the Hellenic warrior was strong and began to stand up with his opponent clinging to him, forcing her to release the scissors and place both feet on the ground. The two were standing, with the woman hugging her opponent, wanting to take him down, which he prevented by placing firmly his right foot on the ground.

Their pants showed that they were battling fiercely in that clinch. The Hellenic's strength was enough to make an arch with his body while still gripping his opponent, Suplexing her. Dragana was in a bad position, since she felt how Dimitros weight on her, snaking his powerful lower limbs with hers, immobilizing her in that Full Mount. All he had to do was tie her neck with one arm, making a lock to put pressure on her cervical spine. Dragana's neck was fiercely pressed, feeling an immense pain, grunting, moaning and writhing in pain.

-Aghh... ghah... hnnhn... Ahh!

-You give up?

Dragana did not even respond due to the immense pain; her mind gave her two options: surrender, or punch him, but her honor as a fighter wasn't going to allow her to break the rules, so she had to resort to the following: use her hands to pull Dimitros's head towards her, precisely so that his chin touched her shoulder. It was a somewhat crude, but allowed movement, causing Dimitros to do everything possible to move his head back and prevent his jaw from receiving that punishment on Dragana's shoulder, which she took advantage of to grab him by the head and threatening with an Ezekiel Choke. Dimitros knew that trick, so, without releasing his grip, he moved his head further back to avoid the lock, although the Croatian took advantage of this to put her arms between her opponent's "lock" and, with force and insistence, she broke free. Now she hugged the Greek's body, imprisoning his arms in her grip even though he was still on top. The girl was panting, trying to catch her breath after that struggle, but she had to continue fighting now that Dimitros was using his brute force to free himself from the lock; while he was doing this, Dragana twisted her legs to free herself from the Grapevine, at the same time that the Greek managed to break free from the hug; Dragana, turning about 90 degrees to the right, slipped underneath her opponent, escaping from Dimitros' clutches and waistlocking him from behind. The audience applauded the feat of the Croatian, who was now attempting a Half Nelson Choke, but her opponent avoided it at all costs.

-Impressive –the CEO applauded-, your girl was able to escape from Dimitros

-I told you...

Dragana had to change position, because her opponent blocked her by holding her arm, wanting to go for a Cross Armbreaker instead; although he also tried to block it by locking his hands, Dragana managed to finish it by pushing his forearm with her foot. Dimitros rolled backwards, now standing but with his opponent still hanging from his arm. Wanting to get rid of her, the male grappler hoisted Dragana, trying to slam her, but she was faster, and avoiding any throw attempt, she gets off Dimitros' arm and throws him into a Belly Belly Suplex

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