Chapter 7: Bauhaus

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Vienna, Austria.

Chocolate, Dragon and She-Wolf arrived in a limousine at a complex located on the outskirts of the Austrian capital that looked like a multipurpose building. The guards at the entrance booth, seeing who was in the vehicle, did not ask any more questions and let them pass.

Now inside the complex, an excited Aurora explored up and down the facilities, as Dragana remained calmed.

In the gym they were greeted by Alec Jones, Ruta Grudyté, Aliyah Ngasa and another entourage of several grapplers, all of incredible physical condition; Aurora assumed that the training was very tough judging by the athletic physique of those athletes.

-Girls, welcome to the Hall of the Grapplers –Alec welcomes-.

-This is awesome! The gym is huge and you definitely look like world-class grapplers – She-Wolf complimented as Dragana remained silent.

-Miss Chocolate! –A beautiful girl with short pink hair welcomed the Georgian-. How are you?

The girl threw herself on the Georgian, hugging her effusively, something that would definitely make Natalia mad.

-Hello, Mariah, you look great!

-More than you? I don't think so! Hey, who are these cute girls?

-We had already talked you about them, Mariah -Ruta said.

-But I wanted to meet them!

-I am Aurora, a pleasure!


-Mariah Andreassen!

-Wait a minute... now that I remember... I think I've seen you somewhere. Weren't you a gamer and V-Tuber? Toxic Candy or something. –Auror wonders.

-Yes I am! It's a pleasure to know that I have fans on the other side of the ocean!

-... I'll be honest with you... I don't like watching gamers. Ha, ha, ha! But I know you because a friend is super fan of yours.

-Aaww! Why don't you like me? -She said with a pouty tone.

-N-no... it's not that I don't like you, it's just that I don't watch V-Tubers.

-Leave her alone, Mariah -Ruta scolded Mariah-. Well, then, without further ado, let's get down to business: we won't train you as we do to the new guys. You're going to get some physical tests and after that, we'll see if you're as good as you say you are. We know that you've fought against respectable fighters like Grappler Bunny, Siff and Willingham – when she said that, Dragana turned to look at Chocolate for a moment; when she felt her gaze, the silver-haired one smiled sweetly at her-. But, even though Miss Cholokashvili is here, we are not like them. What do I mean by that? You'll wrestle one of us each for half an hour. Understood?

-Yeah, I'm ready!

-Okay –Dragana nods calmly-.

-Good –Aliyah enters-. Let's begin!

A variety of endurance, strength, speed, cardio, agility, balance, flexibility, mobility and skill tests were conducted, which were either separately or sometimes between the two girls, where they practiced takedowns, escapes, pins and holds. Alec and Ruta served as main judges, analyzing and making notes about their skills of the two fighters.

After these tests, the American and the black-haired Lithuanian approached them.

-I must tell you that we are impressed. The resistance, agility and technique you have is remarkable: I must admit that strength and endurance is one of Aurora's strongest feats, while Dragana has a balance between agility, speed and roughness. I can tell that when fighting, Dragana uses those skills because of her "Shoot" style; while Aurora uses her physical strength to escape holds. It's interesting –Alec adds.

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