Chapter 14: WASP

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Minsk, Belarus

Aurora and Dragana had arrived at Eilonwy's mansion; her secretary received them and headed them towards his boss.

-Holy... shit... Oh! Sorry for my language, sir...!

-Egor - the secretary introduces himself, a thin, middle-aged man, with short hair and thick moustache-... and don't worry.

-Thank you, Egor. I'm just impressed with the gigantic mansion that Mrs. Eilonwy has.

-We've just arrived. I hope you don't mind that the lady has other guests too.

-Not at all!


And after opening the door, the man addresses his boss.

-Miss Eilonwy. Aurora and Dragana are here.

-Let them in, Egor.

And after indicating that they should enter, the two girls introduce themselves to the raven-haired woman; a beautiful blonde girl with a playful gaze and a tall, muscular, brown-haired man with an unfriendly look were accompanying her.

-It's nice to meet you finally! I would have liked to see Chocolate too, but I understand that she's busy.

-Do you know what setback came up? -Dragana asks, with some distrust.

-One of great importance, my dear; don't despair, as I prefer that she tells you. She'll be fine... quite fine may I say. Let me introduce myself: I'm Eilonwy Rhys; I'm a fighter in Hell's Pit... well... although I already know you.

-... it's true, I remember that you told me something about it –Aurora tells Dragana.

-That's right... I participated in the Hell's Pit tournaments. I just don't know the other two.

-Where are my manners? I almost forgot to introduce them: Dragana, Aurora, the beautiful girl you see here is Katya Jankowksa.

-Nice to meet you, beauties!

-And this handsome man you see here is Louis Fuller.


- Don't be rude! Say hello!

- I hope you're not a waste of time.

- Excuse his manners.

- Hello! I'm Aurora, also known as She-Wolf.

- Dragana.

- I've heard a lot about you, I hope we can have some fun –Katya welcomes.

- Well, look, I have a little idea of ​​what you had in the Hall of the Grapplers, and I have to tell you that here we are not like them: we could be described as a "No Holds Barred" fighting circuit. Here only the one who has enough physical and mental strength survives. No matter what kind of martial art you practice. I won't tell you that you're going to fight at an event of ours, I don't want you to get killed and I don't want to compromise the rest of the Hell's Pit board, or Chocolate.

-As always this place is still a dumping ground for vipers.

-And that's why you couldn't survive Hell's Pit, from what I've been told –Louis tells Dragana, who gets upset-.

-I left because my goal is elsewhere.

-Any excuse can be used.

-In the cage I won't give you excuses.

-Louis, don't be rude. And Dragana, I think I have a better opponent for you. You see, what I wanted to get to is that I won't train you or anything, I'll put you to fight against members of Hell's Pit.

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