Chapter 3: The Cure

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The City

Aurora 'She-Wolf' Aristeguieta and Andrea "Grappler Bunny" Dumitrescu showed themselves at Chocolate's office before the aforementioned and Natalia.

-I'm sorry for making you come here -Chocolate said, somewhat embarrassed, but smiling-, especially you.

-Don't worry, you have helped me a lot, it's the least I can do. Just don't ask me to do strange things –Aurora joked-.

-Welp... about that...

-Wait, what? –Aurora smiled nervously-.

-Ha, ha, ha! No, it's not something dangerous or weird... or maybe not.

-Mrs. Chocolate, come on! Don't lure Aurora into your weird stuff!

-Don't worry, Bunny. You and I have already done similar things.

-Remember that Aurora had just broken up with her boyfriend.

-Not those things!

-Andrea, what is she talking about?

-Hee, hee, hee... things you do when you were younger and less afraid of the consequences - Bunny winks at her-. But then again, what is it?

At that moment, Jacob, Chocolate's African bodyguard, enters the office.

-Lady Chocolate, she's here.

-Good, let her in.

The person who arrived at the office was none other than Dragana, with a stern and somewhat tired face.

-Dragon? –Bunny and Aurora asked at the same time-.

-...? I expected you to be here, but not you -Dragon tells Aurora.

-How are you? –Aurora smiles sweetly at the girl-. It's been a while.

Dragana just sighs, ignoring Aurora.

-I'm here, what do you want?

-It's a pleasure that you came; in fact, just in time. Bunny, sweetie, can I talk privately with Aurora and Dragana? I'll meet you right away.

-Yeah, sure!

Bunny leaves Aurora with a noticeably eager face and Dragana with a somewhat listless face.

-Natalia, Jacob, please...

The two mentioned left; Natalia not very happy because of that, but she obeys the orders given to her.

-Okay, girls, I appreciate that you came and I'm apologize if I'm taking up any of your time. Now, as you know, I'm leaving this Friday on a business trip: I'm going to Europe and Russia; Yes, I know that Russia is Europe, but there is no shortage of smartasses who want to differentiate them because of the European Union and that stuff.

-Yeah –Dragana says almost motionless.

-Woah! I have always wanted to travel to Europe. I'm interested in countries like Austria or Germany.

-I'm actually going to Austria; also Belarus, Lithuania, and probably my country.

-I'm jealous! I wish you a happy trip!

Chocolate sighs.

-It's actually a business trip; I doubt I'll have so much fun. But maybe someone can have at least a little more fun than me. Girls, do you want to come with me?

-Wait, we... what?

Aurora was stunned, while Dragana didn't look amused.

-You know, if it was up to me, I would take all the girls, but it will be somewhat... problematic, to say the least. Besides, I think you two are the ones who need a break out of all of this; of course, apart from Marissa... but I can't get too involved there due to somewhat complicated issues.

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