Chapter 9: No Doubt

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Metropolian Area's southern hoodlums.

Marissa arrived to the hoods located on the hills that separated the City from the rest of the Metropolis in an app taxi.

-I can't go further; cars can't go there -the driver pointed to the alley in front of them, which it was a steep set of stairs uphill; in the sides there were several houses-. Are you sure you want me to drop you here? It's already night e to leave her here? It's already night and this neighborhood is pretty dangerous.

-Don't worry. Someone's waiting for me here.

-Alright -the man swallows a little-... be careful, please.

-Thank you very much.

The car leaves when it could. Marissa looked up the stairs. She would be lying if she said she wasn't afraid.

-Ugh... stupid Carla isn't taking my calls; anyway, not that I have any other option, right?

After psychologically preparing herself and sighing, the young woman proceeded to climb that stepped alley.

As expected, she would meet the inhabitants of those neighborhoods on her way. Marissa stood out so much for her way of dressing, which revealed that she came from a wealthy place, and for a huge suitcase that she carried in her hand. The locals knew she wasn't from there. A few meters ahead, a group of youngsters, both men and women, blocked her way.

-Yo, you're missing something here or what? –A young woman asked.

-I-I... nothing, I just come to...

-¡Vamos a ver qué pedo! –A boy heads to the suitcase-.

-Get your hands off!

-Ah, we're getting rough!

-I'm searching for Carla.

-¿Tú quieres a Carla?

Everyone laughs; Marissa didn't get it, until she realized that in Spanish that sentence sounded as "Tu quieres sacarla" (Do you want to take it off)

-Carla. Don't you know her?

-Nah, you fucked up, morra.

-Bring here!

-No! Keep your hands off my suitcase!

One of the thugs would respond by pulling out a knife.

-Tranqui, morra. No la ande cagando.

-Hey! –Alan ran up the stairs-. Chill the fuck down! ¡No mamen!

-Yo! What's up, Chamito? Did you like the fresita?

-She's Blazer's friend, damn it!

-Shit! Blazer's hommie?

-Why didn't you tell us before?

-I told you!

-I didn't even remember that her name was Carla. So, Chamo, she's your girlfriend?

-¡No, pendejos!

-If you don't want her, introduce her.

-Ask Blazer first; and don't you dare to do something to her or she'll call her brother.

-Eh, nope, I don't want to fuck around with Yayo.

-Chicken! –One of the girls shouted at one of the gang members.

-Well, I'll take her with Blazer.

-He-he! Chamito got himself a güerita!

-Fuck you, Britney!

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