Chapter 16: MGMT

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Minsk, Belarus.

-The event was a huge success; my partners loved your girls. Dragana... Bloody hell! She's a bloody machine! Of course, I don't want it to be understood as I am underestimating She-Wolf, but I love the brutality with which she fights. She reminds me quite a bit of you.

-It's a compliment to see that you liked my girls, and I agree with Dragana; although she reminds me more of someone else.

-Her father?

-Yes, although I think she'll be better... if she isn't already.

That was answered by Chocolate to Eilonwy. Both were drinking wine in the latter's private room.

-By the way, does she already know...?

-Does she know? –Chocolate interrupts-. That's the reason why she entered the tournament: to have a chance to get revenge.

-Oh! It's something I don't want to miss. Who knows? Maybe, she may beat you. However, I think you have some other "challenges" to worry about.

-I should, but I'm not.

-Sometimes luck runs out, my dear friend.

-It's not a matter of luck; it's destiny. But if it comes to that, it won't be those people you think will end my luck.

-If you say so -the British woman takes a sip of her wine-. Well, it's a shame I couldn't say goodbye to your girls.

-They're a little... tired, so to speak. They preferred to go to the apartment. It seems that tomorrow they will be somewhat busy, so they need to rest.

Indeed, the night was... strange. After Aurora and Dragana went to check their wounds, which were not serious (they just needed some care), they proceeded to go to the apartment. Chocolate expressly ordered her driver Demetradze that if one of them insisted on leaving in a separate car, they will have to return alone and with their own money back to the City; fortunately, this was not necessary, but the silence in the limousine was extremely uncomfortable. Once the two arrived at the house, they went off to mind their own business and go to sleep, nothing more.


The next day came; the two girls woke up, went to the living room and ran into Chocolate, who was drinking coffee.

-Hi, girls. Sorry for being so abrupt, but we are going to Tbilisi.

-W-wait... what? –Aurora said, still sleepy and confused.

-What does this mean?

-I already told you; I will only go there on business, but you can do whatever you like when we arrive. I have a gym prepared for you to fight.

-I had forgotten about that thing for a moment- Dragana says-.

-Okay, have breakfast, take a shower and prepare your bags for our trip.

-That was abrupt... don't you think?

Dragana leaves without saying anything.

-Hey! Are you going to continue with that pedantic attitude? Urgh! Chocolate!

-I'm not your mom; you're old enough to deal with your own problems- She says with a somewhat carefree tone, but without wanting to put up with childishness.

-Yes, but... Ugh!

Aurora leaves after that tantrum, leaving Chocolate alone.

-Ah, the youth!

And that was how, after preparing everything, the three of them left on Chocolate's private jet heading to her hometown.

Tbilisi, Georgia.

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