Chapter 18: Public Enemy

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Southern hoodlums of the Metropolitan Area

Marissa and Carla were walking through a street market. The two of them were eating churros while carrying bags of clothes.

-You'll see how cool you'll look with those clothes, girl.

-I saw some very interesting things, honestly. The problem is that they won't last even 3 wears...

-Well, don't put everything in the washing machine, morra. Wash it by hand. And don't tell me you won0t because you'll hurt your little hands if you spend your time beating the shit out of people with them.

-My gloves are made of a specific material that helps my hands not suffer so much.

-Take a load on this girl! –Carla mocks Marissa-... Hey, hey, hey. Come here.

-What? Ah, wait!

Carla takes Marissa and hides with her in one of the alleys.

-What's wrong with you?

-Shh, look who's there.

-Huh...? Isn't that...?

-Rorris's ex...

-Who is he talking to?

-It's the same pendejo she was talking to the time he argued with her. Let me come closer.

-Hey! -But Carla didn't pay attention-. Jesus christ...

Marissa went after Carla, who went through several alleys to get near them, but between the alleys she ran into someone.

-Huh? What are you doing here...? ¿Ah, chinga? Blazer?

-¡Ceniceros! What are you doing here?

-What do you think? After those fuckers came here and started doing their shit, I have to watch on every motherfucker who's not from the hood.


-Who's that?

-Ah, you don't know here. She's a friend who's staying at my place.

-Just tell her to zip her lip for what I'm doing...

-Do me a favor, homes; check out what the guys over there are talking about.

-You think I wasn't watching them already? The one with the cap is from the neighborhood down the street; I don't know the other guy.

-¡A huevo, pinche Ceniceros! What's up with them?

-That guy owed the other fellah guy who looks like a lesbian. It seems that he took forever to give his money back; I was going to wise the gang up, but it seems that it's just an issue because I thought they were dealers from other places, but it seems that they're just talking about a debt between them.

-Nah, he ain't no dealer, I know that guy. He was involved in the coliseums in the City.

-If he's your friend, just be careful because I heard that guy with the cap was asking for getting involved with the loansharks of the other side of the avenue like a week and a half ago.

-What were they like?

-Well, a suited guy who had some bodyguards, he was kind of a blonde but you could tell he was a fucking yuppie from the City.

-Hey, do you know another description?

-What's up with your friend? –Blazer-. Dile que no ande de chismosa.

-Seas mamón, cabrón.

-I'm saying this for her own sake. If she doesn't know what stuff is here, she better not get involved. Also, I don't know how to describe him; he looks like all the fucking white guys from the City.

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