Chapter 13: Orphaned Land

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Minsk, Belarus.

Eilonwy Rhys, the beautiful femme fatale, member of Hell's Pit, was talking on her cell phone while resting in her mansion.

-It's a pleasure to know that you arrived safely. Are the two dollies ready?... Excellent, then let me prepare everything to receive them as soon as possible. In the meantime, go eat; I recommend Owino, just introduce yourself to the manager and say that you came from my part. I will cover the expenses... Not at all! –She replied happily to her interlocutor-. It will be a pleasure... You can treat me later. Fu, fu, fu... Sure, bye, bye!

Eilonwy hangs up, but at that moment, a man who seemed to be her personal secretary, arrives at the living room.

-Lady Eilonwy. There are some individuals at the entrance who want to talk to you. They did not introduce themselves to the guards, but one of them said that they "come from an old enemy who now offers her friendship."

The woman crosses her legs, placing her hand on her chin.

-Do you happen to see if they look like soldiers?

-They are dressed as civilians, but from the look in their eyes it is clear that they are soldiers at best.

-Show them in.

-Yes, my lady.

After allowing them to pass and leading them to the living room, the four individuals appear: two of them looked Middle Eastern, one European and another looked like a mix of the two.

-It is a pity that she did not come.

-From my part I should tell you that the commander insisted on coming, but we told her it was risky. But we have come to represent her good will to you and "your friends."

-I guess that your commander is a stateless woman, isn't she?

-She will continue to be our commander, and, at least from my side, I do not belong to her perfidious state; with all due respect to her and here my partner.

-Technically I'm betraying my country; or rather, its government.

-It seems that our dear friend Ishtar was already "two timing" the State of Israel for some time now. She's not the type of woman who makes friends quickly; she must have met you two before, or at least speaking of you two, who seem to be Palestinians.

-I am from Lebanon, my other companion is Assyrian. We did not come to explain our origins, nor the motivations and history of our commander, Mrs. Rhys. We came here to warn you that your friend is in danger.

Eilonwy's cheerful and viperine face changed to a slightly more serious one, although not worried. Interested in what the 3 Levantines and the Circassian had to say, the woman put her face on her fist.

-Tell me more...


The City

-... and that's how I managed to find out that they've been following Cholokashvili from Austria, they were just waiting for her to be in a "friendlier" territory.

-My, my, Ishtar! It seems that you're worrying a lot about our dear friend - Ekaterina Ushakova smiled. The two were at the later's residence-.

-I'm not doing it because I like her, I'm doing it because, one, I'm a woman of my word; two, because I'm not willing that those idiots from the Mossad to be the ones who will take care of her; three, I'm doing it for those two idiots who're with her; they're also in danger.

-I love how you care about those two girls, even though you've spoken little with them.

-Only with She-Wolf. She's a silly bimbo who thinks she can handle this kind of world, but it seems that she's one of the few who still maintain some of her... humanity, so to speak; or rather, she's one of those who can still recover it.

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