In love with you (smut)

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Let me put it this way. You, my beautiful boy, have the power to really hurt me, with how I feel about you. Far more than anyone else ever has or ever could. I don't know if you realize that."
▪▪~ Heather Hall ~▪▪

You woke up in the evening, the remnants of the intense passion from earlier still lingering in your body. As you stirred, the sheets fell away, and realization hit you-you were completely bare. Glancing around for your clothes, you found them nowhere in sight. With a sigh, you accepted that your long platinum hair would have to suffice.

Stepping out of the bedroom, you ventured into the living space, feeling both vulnerable and emboldened by the events of the day. The scent of tea wafted from the kitchen, drawing you toward it. You found Ghost, now dressed in his usual hoodie and sweatpants, preparing tea with practiced ease.

Quietly, you tiptoed up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist. He stiffened momentarily before relaxing into your embrace.

"Aurora! You'll give me a heart attack one day," he said with a chuckle, turning around to face you.

You stood naked before him, your hair cascading down to cover most of your body. His eyes widened slightly, but a warm, appreciative smile spread across his face.

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise," he said, his voice softening. His eyes roved over you, taking in every detail, every curve.

"You didn't leave me much choice," you replied, a playful glint in your eyes. "I couldn't find my clothes."

Ghost's hands found their way to your waist, his touch sending shivers down your spine. "Maybe I wanted you like this," he murmured, his voice husky. "You look beautiful, Aurora. So Ethereal."

You blushed under his intense gaze, feeling both exposed and cherished. "I just wanted to thank you," you whispered, "for everything."

He leaned down, his masked lips brushing yours in a tender kiss. "You're welcome," he replied. "But next time, let's at least find you a robe."

You both laughed, the sound mingling with the warmth of the kitchen.

"I want you, Ghost," you teased, pulling at his hoodie. Standing so close, you could only reach his heart.

"Right now? Again?" he whispered, his voice laced with both surprise and anticipation.

"Yes. Again. Right now. Here." Your eyes gleamed with mischief as you tugged at his mask. "I want Ghost this time," you said, your tone daring.

He was already wearing his skull mask, which gave his expression an added layer of menace and allure. He fisted your hair, pulling your head back slightly to make you look up at him. "Well! I warn you, love, Ghost won't show any mercy. He will shut your pretty little mouth."

Your doe eyes gazed up at him, filled with challenge and desire. "Make me shut my mouth, please," you teased again, your voice breathy and taunting.

"Is that so, love?" He raised an eyebrow, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Yes," you affirmed, your voice steady despite the pounding of your heart.

With a growl, he scooped you up, your bare skin pressing against the rough fabric of his hoodie.

Ghost made you sit on the kitchen counter, his eyes never leaving yours. Your breath hitched, anticipation electrifying the air.

Don't move," he commanded, his voice a low growl as he loomed over you.

You bit your lip, your eyes never leaving his as you nodded. The thrill of anticipation coursed through you as you watched him remove his hoodie, revealing the taut muscles and scars beneath.

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