Choices have Consequences

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Morning sunlight bathed the Fuerzas Especiales base in a golden glow as you, Isabella-affectionately nicknamed Bella-emerged from the barracks. New to the Mexican special forces as a Los Vaqueros soldier, you were the epitome of beauty, standing at five feet with big brown doe eyes and a petite but curvy figure that betrayed your Spanish heritage. Even your commander, Alejandro Vargas, occasionally found himself distracted by your presence.

Clutching a cold coffee tumbler, your long brown hair swayed gently behind you as you strode casually across the base in your military clothes and fur slippers. The routine morning briefing had been called by Commander Vargas, and as you made your way outside, you noticed a helicopter descending on the tarmac. Waiting eagerly for its arrival were Commander Alejandro and Major Rodolfo.

As the helicopter landed, you watched with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Two men emerged. The first was a cute guy with a mohawk, exuding an air of confident charm. The second man, however, was a sight to behold-a behemoth with black tactical pants and combat boots, his muscular frame emphasized by a tight black t-shirt. The crowning detail was his skull mask, which lent him an aura of intimidation and menace.

You stood there, frozen in place, as Alejandro and the two newcomers exchanged greetings. The presence of the masked man was particularly captivating, a stark contrast to the morning's tranquil beauty. His imposing figure and the air of mystery surrounding him seemed to hint at the gravity of the mission ahead.

With Alejandro and Rodolfo engaged in discussion with the other two newcomers, the masked man's intense gaze landed upon you. He observed the way the sunlight caressed your figure, emphasizing your natural beauty.

As his eyes roamed over you, his mind noted your military attire and the fur slippers you wore. A hint of intrigue flickered in his gaze at the sight of those slippers.

He continued watching you, the air around him still and focused.

You could sense the weight of his gaze upon you, the masked man's eyes tracing the path of the morning sun as it played across your figure, highlighting the curves of your petite frame. He took in everything about you-the way you held your coffee, your long hair cascading down your back, the fur slippers adding a touch of softness to your military attire. Even from this distance, his eyes never wavered, his expression unreadable behind the mask.

Alejandro started walking with them toward you. You stood still, frozen in place.

"This is my best soldier, Sergeant Isabella," Alejandro introduced. "Isabella, this is Sergeant Soap MacTavish and Lieutenant Ghost."

"Nice to meet you," you said in your Spanish accent.

"You're a bonnie lass," Soap said, shaking your hand with a friendly smile. Ghost, however, didn't budge, his dark gaze fixed on you but making no move to shake your hand. His rudeness struck a nerve.

"Gracias, hermano," you replied to Soap, but your eyes were daggers aimed at Ghost. His cold demeanor and lack of manners irritated you.

Alejandro, seemingly oblivious to the tension, continued walking with them toward his office. You stood there, sipping your coffee, your mind whirling with thoughts about the mysterious and imposing Lieutenant Ghost.

As Alejandro, Soap and Rodolfo entered the office, you stayed behind, sipping your coffee and stealing glances at Ghost. The air between you was charged with tension, the silence stretching out awkwardly.

Ghost's eyes remained fixed on you, his steady gaze locking onto your every move. It was as if he was studying you, taking in every detail. His eyes occasionally flicked down to your fur slippers, as if they held some sort of fascination for him.

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