Desert Rose "Last Part"

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Captain Price stood at the head of the briefing room, his arms crossed, a sombre expression etched into his weathered face. The low hum of the base's activity buzzed in the background, but inside this room, the air was thick with tension. Ghost and Palwasha-now Shay-sat across from him, their attention fixed on the Captain.

"We've got a situation," Price began, his voice gravelly. "Intel suggests Konni forces are operating in the Russian tundra, gathering resources and rallying their troops. Command wants them extracted, quietly and efficiently. This mission is off the books."

Ghost leaned forward, his dark eyes narrowing behind his skull mask. "Why us?"

Price shot him a hard look. "Because you're the only ones I trust to get it done. No backup, no support. Just you two. I need operatives who can move fast, think on their feet, and handle themselves in hostile terrain. That's you and her." He nodded toward Shay.

Shay sat quietly, her mind racing as she processed the information. The Russian tundra was brutal, unforgiving. A frozen wasteland filled with dangers, both natural and man-made. She looked at Ghost, whose calm demeanor only made her more determined to prove herself.

"I'm in," she said, her voice steady, though her heart was pounding. This was her first major mission, and she wasn't going to let fear show.

Ghost turned to her, his gaze unreadable. "You sure?" His voice was low, but there was no doubt about his concern.

She met his gaze with determination. "I said I'm in. I've faced worse."

Price nodded in approval. "Good. The mission is straightforward. You'll be inserted by chopper fifty clicks outside the target zone. From there, you'll make your way to the extraction point and neutralize any Konni forces you find. They'll be well-hidden, so stay sharp. And remember, this is black ops. No one knows you're there. If you get caught, you're on your own."

Ghost tilted his head, his voice calm but cold. "And the extraction?"

"You'll be picked up at the rendezvous point once the mission's complete," Price replied, sliding a folder across the table. "This has the exact coordinates. You'll have thirty-six hours to get in, complete the objective, and get out."

Shay picked up the folder, flipping through the pages. Maps, intel, photos of the terrain. It was bleak, snowy, and treacherous. She felt a knot form in her stomach but pushed it down.

Ghost rose from his seat, his posture relaxed but ready. "We'll get it done."

Price's eyes softened slightly as he looked at them. "I know you will. You've got one hour to gear up. Make it count."

As they left the briefing room, Ghost glanced at Shay, his voice quiet but firm. "This isn't a game. The tundra's a different kind of battlefield. Cold, isolation... it messes with your head."

Shay gave him a curt nod. "I'm ready, Ghost. I can handle it."

He looked at her for a long moment, as if weighing her words. Finally, he nodded. "Let's hope so."

The clock was ticking, and they had a mission to prepare for.

The mission was simple enough on paper: extract the Konni soldiers hiding in the Russian tundra, far from the reaches of Task Force 141's usual operating areas. Ghost and Shay, formerly Palwasha, were the chosen pair for the task, a solo mission in the unforgiving cold.

As the helicopter touched down quietly on the frozen terrain, the frigid wind cut through them like knives. Shay pulled her hood tighter over her head, her breath fogging in front of her as they moved silently across the tundra. The cold seeped through her layers, sharp and unforgiving, a stark contrast to the heat of Afghanistan she had known all her life.

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