Chef's Kiss pt-2

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Days passed, and Sophie got along with the team. She continued cooking finger licking meals. Ghost didn't bother her much after Captain Price's ultimatum.

One morning, the base was bustling with activity. Sophie was happy as she turned on the music and started her cooking. She went with the flow and danced on the music while she cooked.

Ghost was making his way to the common room when he heard the sound of music playing and the sound of someone humming and singing along. Curious, he followed the sound, his gait quiet and measured.

As he rounded a corner, he caught sight of Sophie, moving gracefully through the kitchen as she cooked. The music was loud, and she was dancing and singing along, seemingly in her own little world.

Ghost lingered in the shadow, watching her for a few moments, his eyes following her every move.

He was used to seeing her in her usual state, focused and serious. But seeing her like this, carefree and enjoying herself, was a strange sight. He found himself staring, a small, almost imperceptible smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he watched her.

She was singing along and surprizingly she had a singer's voice.

Ghost leaned against the wall, listening to her singing. Her voice was a pleasant surprise. He had never imagined the chef could sing so well, her voice like a soothing melody that matched the music in the background.

He continued to watch her, his irritation momentarily forgotten as he found himself drawn to the sight of her enjoying herself, her movements graceful and effortless.

The cooking was underway, but Ghost found himself captivated by the sight. He couldn't explain the sudden shift in his irritation towards her to fascination.

He continued to watch her, mesmerized by the way she moved, singing and cooking, a small smile on her face. He had a feeling that he was witnessing a side of her that not many people got to see, and that realization made his usual stoic demeanor falter for a moment.

He couldn't help but chuckle quietly at the sight of her using the ladle as a microphone. It was a simple, silly gesture, but it added to the carefree joy with which she was cooking.

He leaned back against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched her, the ghost of a smile still lingering on his face.

She turned around and noticed him watching. She suddenly straightened up.
"I'm sorry." She said, trying to hide her smile.

Ghost raised an eyebrow, a small smirk on his lips. "Sorry for what? I was enjoying the show."

He pushed himself off the wall, taking a few steps towards her. "You've got quite a voice, Chef."

"Call me Sophie, please." She said as she started kneading the dough with her hands.

"Sophie," he repeated, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Suits you better than 'Chef.'"

He leaned against the counter, watching as she kneaded the dough. "Didn't know you could sing like that. You're full of surprises, aren't you?"

"Thanks! Got this voice from my mother." She rolled the dough and kneaded again.

"Your mother would be proud," he said, watching as she worked her magic with the dough. "You've got a gift, Sophie."

He paused for a moment, his gaze fixing on her hands as she rolled and kneaded the dough. "You're good with your hands too," he noted, his voice a bit lower than usual.

"My mom is amazing." She chuckled. "And yes, I never knew my hands can do wonders."

He chuckled, enjoying their banter. "I can see that," he said, his eyes flickering up to her face, catching her gaze for a moment. "Your hands are quite talented. And not just for cooking, I'm sure."

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