Wolf in Ghost's disguise (smut)

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Ghost shares you with his twin brother

You'd always thought working in the SAS would be intense, but you hadn't expected it to be this intense. The moment you were appointed to the administration team, things had been overwhelming. The high-paced environment, the constant movement of soldiers, the silent intensity that seemed to hang in the air, it all took some getting used to. But the strangest part was how your life seemed to have shifted the day you caught the attention of Lieutenant Ghost.

Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley, as he was formally known, had a reputation that preceded him. Stoic, quiet, and always masked behind that skull balaclava that made his very presence feel like the room temperature had dropped. You'd heard stories of his calm, unflinching demeanour in even the most dangerous situations. Ghost was the kind of man people didn't mess with.

And yet, ever since you started, you noticed his eyes on you. Watching. Protecting.

At first, you thought it was just in your head, but it became more evident with time. He seemed to appear when things got tough, when you had trouble with a task, or when someone looked a little too long at you. His silent, looming presence became a sort of shield. It made you feel... safe, even though you hardly knew him. You weren't sure what to make of it.

Things remained quiet for a while, that is, until you met Ghost's twin brother.

Lieutenant Wolf Riley, Simon's identical twin, had an uncanny resemblance to him, down to the sharp features, the piercing eyes, and the intimidating aura. He had an eyebrow piercing in his right brow, which made him stand out from Simon and a cut in his left eyebrow. However, Wolf didn't wear the infamous skull mask, and that wasn't the only difference. Wolf's physique was even more pronounced than Simon's. He was taller, broader, and carried an air of arrogant confidence that set him apart. Where Simon was silent and mysterious, Wolf was loud and boisterous. And where Simon seemed to keep his distance, Wolf had no qualms about getting too close.

"Hey there," Wolf had said the first time he cornered you, his voice a silky murmur that sent chills down your spine. "I'm Simon's brother. Wolf. And you must be the new girl who's caught everyone's attention."

He had said it with a grin that didn't reach his eyes. It was predatory, in a way. You'd felt uncomfortable immediately, but you didn't want to be rude.

"Nice to meet you," you'd responded politely, trying to inch away without making it obvious.

From that day on, Wolf made it his mission to seek you out. Wherever you were, he wasn't far behind, his flirtatious comments, the way his eyes lingered on you just a second too long, the subtle touches that made your skin crawl. It was no secret that Wolf had a reputation with women. He was a notorious playboy, always seen with a different woman, and it wasn't hard to imagine the trail of broken hearts and damaged souls he'd left behind. The problem was, he had his eye on you now, and it was only a matter of time before he made his move.

Ghost seemed to notice almost immediately. You hadn't realized it at first, but the more Wolf pursued you, the more protective Ghost became. He'd show up unexpectedly when Wolf was around, his presence like a silent barrier between the two of you.

"You alright?" Ghost would ask in that deep, gravelly voice of his, though his eyes spoke more than his words.

"Yeah," you'd reply, grateful for his intervention but unsure of how to express it.

One evening, after you'd finished a long day of administrative work, you noticed Wolf lingering in the hallway outside your office. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed, with a cocky smile on his lips as you approached.

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