Ghost X Vampire Hybrid Part 3

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"Every choice has a consequence; every decision, a price."

"Sorry! I couldn't see you and I thought you were an enemy, so I shot," Ghost said, sitting beside you, his tone filled with genuine remorse.

You nodded slowly, understanding the confusion in the midst of the storm. "I understand," you replied softly. "It was a chaotic night."

Ghost rose and walked to a nearby chair where he had draped some clothing. "Here," he said, handing you a clean T-shirt and a hoodie. "You should get out of those rags and into something warmer."

You took the clothes from him, feeling the softness of the fabric. "Thank you," you said, appreciating the gesture. As you dressed, Ghost respectfully turned his back to give you some privacy. The T-shirt was a bit big on you, but it was warm and comfortable. The hoodie enveloped you in a cocoon of warmth, and you felt more human than you had in days.

Once you were dressed, Ghost turned back to you. "Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" he asked, his concern evident in his eyes.

You nodded, realizing how famished you were. "Yes, please. I haven't eaten in a while."

Ghost nodded and went to the small kitchen area. He returned shortly with a bowl of hot soup and a piece of bread. "This should help," he said, handing you the food.

You took the bowl, the warmth seeping into your hands. "Thank you," you said again, your voice filled with gratitude.

As you ate, Ghost sat beside you, his presence reassuring. "You need to regain your strength," he said softly. "We'll take it one step at a time."

The soup was simple but nourishing, and you felt a wave of relief as you ate. Ghost watched over you, ensuring you were comfortable and had everything you needed.

You ate like you were hungry for ages, devouring the hot soup and bread with an intensity that spoke of days without proper nourishment. You drank water as if you were thirsty for a river, gulping it down eagerly. Each bite and sip seemed to bring a bit of life back into your weary body.

Ghost sat on the chair opposite you, watching in amazement. His eyes followed your every movement, filled with a mix of concern and wonder. He had seen people in desperate situations before, but there was something different about you-something both fragile and fierce.

"You must have been out there for a long time," he said softly, breaking the silence. "It's a miracle you survived."

You nodded between bites, swallowing a mouthful of bread. "I was... looking for food, for anything to survive. The storm came out of nowhere."

Ghost leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "You're incredibly strong to have made it this far," he said. "But you need to take it easy now. Let your body heal."

You met his gaze, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you. "Thank you. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't found me."

As you finished the last of the soup, you felt a warmth spread through you.

After you finished eating, Ghost leaned forward, his expression serious. "Aurora, I need to check your wound," he said gently. "We need to make sure it's healing properly."

You nodded, feeling a mixture of nervousness and trust. "Okay," you agreed, allowing him to peel back the blanket.

With careful hands, Ghost began to remove the bandage. His brow furrowed in concentration as he expected to see the injury he had treated the night before. But as the last piece of gauze fell away, he froze.

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