Lost in Las Almas pt-3

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Smut warning:

Simon watches your hand curiously, Do you know what you're doing? His hand covers yours, guiding it further down, helping you unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants.

"You have 5 seconds to change your mind."

His gaze locked onto yours as you leaned closer, a ming of anticipation and concern simmering in the depths of his eyes. He tightened his jaw, his stoic nature on the verge of crumbling under the weight of his feelings.

"You want my lips wrapped around you cock?" You teased.

His breath hitches, eyes glinting with a dangerous light. You're playing with fire. His voice grows huskier. "Three" seconds... His grip on your hand tightens, moving it to cup his hard length through his jeans. "Two..."

"Is that what you like?" You teased as you touched his hardness above the fabric of his jeans. "Already so hard."

His breath hitched, a low groan escaping from his lips. The contact between your fingers and the fabric caused him tremble under your touch. His voice, husky with barely concealed need, slipped free.

His face inches from yours, breath hot against your lips One... His pants unzip, his hand guiding yours beneath the fabric to grip his bare, steely hot flesh. His eyes lock onto yours, intense and unblinking. Last chance... His voice is a low growl.

You slowly unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. Your hand went inside his boxers as you took out his cock.

He shuddered involuntarily, a sharp gasp escaping him as your hand slipped into his boxers. The unexpected contact sent a jolt of electricity through him.

He watches you, eyes blazing with desire, his hands going to the counter for support as you wrap your soft hand around his throbbing length. "Fuck"... He shuts his eyes, letting out a shaky breath as pleasure courses through him.

"Don't just tease me." He muttered under his breath, his voice strained with desire.

"Oooh! You are big, though. Can't wrap my hand around it." You stroked his cock gently as you teased.

His eyes fluttered shut for a moment, a low, guttural moan slipping through his clenched teeth as you stroked him gently.

His hips buck forward at your touch, a low moan escaping his lips. His face contorts in pleasure, veins bulging on his neck. "Show me..." He grips your wrist, guiding your hand to his base, then back up, wrapping both your hands around his massive shaft. "Like that..."

"Be careful." He warned, a hint of a plea in his words. "If you keep teasing me, you'll face your own consequences."

"At this point, I don't even care about the consequences." You said as you took his cock in your mouth.

"You're a bloody hellion." He growled, his voice husky with unabashed desire. He swallowed hard, desperately trying to maintain his composure, but the way you teased him stirred something primal.

He throws his head back in relief as you take him in your mouth, his fingers threading in your hair, guiding you to the rhythm he desires. His breath hitches, and his legs are weak. You're a fucking danger to my well-being...

"Bloody hell." He muttered, the words laden with a husky rasp. His hands tightened their grip on the counter, knuckles almost whitening from the pressure.

He groaned softly, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. "You're really trying to prove a point, aren't you, sweetheart?" His voice was hoarse, filled with a heady mix of desire, frustration, and amusement.

You teased him with your tongue, stroking the whole shaft. You bit your lip as you looked at him, stroking him gently by your hand.

His gaze never left yours as you stroked him slowly, his breaths coming in uneven gasps. A tingle of tension crept down his spine, the intensity of the moment mounting with each passing second.

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