The Cafe (Spencer Agnew)

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Y/n's POV

Per usual, the shorter, mousy-looking man walked into the cafe for his weekly sandwich and coffee. This time, he was wearing his glasses and jean jacket, making him look like an indie music artist. After seeing him so often, I started to become intrigued as to who he was. I thought he was pretty cute. 

"Hey, Y/n. Your boyfriend is here," my friend said, nudging me. I shoved her back, widening my eyes at her. 

"Shut up, dude." She snickered as I shuffled up to the register. I fixed the loose strands of hair that stuck out from my ponytail. 

"Funny seeing you here," he joked. 

"Haha. Lemme guess, the usual?" I smirked, going in to select his usual order. 

"Actually, I'd like to try a new drink with my sandwich." He squinted his eyes as he searched over the menu. 

"Oh, shaking it up today?" I internally cringed at my comment. 

"Heh, yeah, I guess. You know what? Surprise me." 


"Yeah, go crazy. I'll pay for an expensive drink just in case." He started to look in his wallet. 

"No, no. I'm not going to charge you. I just want to be sure you're not paying for something you might not like." 

"Oh, thanks. I'll be sitting over there whenever the food comes out." He pointed to his usual cushioned chair in a corner. He pulled a ten-dollar bill out of his pocket and handed it to me. "Keep the change." His smile was sweet and he walked over to his seat, getting his laptop out. 

I traveled to the kitchen, letting one of the chefs know that I needed Spencer's usual sandwich, and started to come up with what to make him. I knew he somewhat enjoyed his drinks here, but they were usually a black coffee with a sugar packet or a hot tea with honey. I remembered that we'd gotten some new lavender tea bags and decided to make him a lavender tea-chai latte-style drink. 

It seemed to be a good idea as I made it, but I couldn't shake the anxiety of him not liking it. With that worry, I grabbed my Mountain Dew Kickstart from the employee fridge and slipped it into my pocket. I'd seen him drink one once and hoped he still liked them. 

On my way out to his one-person table, I grabbed his food and specialty drink in one quick swoop and drifted in his direction. 

"Alright, here's the usual." I placed his sandwich down. "And here's your specialty drink made by your one and only." The cup made a small clinking sound as I set it down. 

"Looks amazing. What's in it?" He asked, grabbing the cup and looking at the small leaf design. 

"It's a tea latte made with a newer lavender tea we just got in. We haven't started selling it yet and I figured you could be our test subject," I rambled. I felt the cold can in my pocket. "Oh yeah, I brought this too, just in case you didn't like the drink." I put the Kickstart on his table. "Hope you like it." I gave him an awkward thumbs up then walked back to my register, rolling my eyes at my stupid actions. 

Spencer's POV

I watched her go back to the counter and write something down on her notepad. I couldn't believe that out of everything they had, she'd given me a Kickstart. 

The warm drink she fixed for me was amazing and I hoped she would make it my new usual after I told her I liked it. I continued working on a new video on my laptop when I saw Y/n walking around the counter without her apron. She had a bag thrown over her shoulder. Her shift must've been up. I wanted to get the chance to talk to her again but also didn't want to keep her at her work longer than she was required. 

After I finished my latte, I turned the Kickstart can around to see what flavor it was. On the back of it, there was a price sticker with something written on it. I held the can closer to my face to see a name and phone number. 

I called Alex, not knowing exactly what to do. He picked up the phone after a few rings. 

"What's up?"

"Alex, I have a situation." 


"I need your help."

"What is it?" 

"You know that cute girl I tell you about that works at my favorite cafe?" 

"Yeah? You ask her out yet?" He laughed to himself. 

"No, man, she gave me her number. And, it was written on a Mountain Dew Kickstart." 

"Oh no, dude, you've gotta marry her stat."

"I know, man. She's perfect. What do I do? What do I say?" 

"Just text her and say who you are. Ask her out." 

"Alex, you know I'm not good at that." 

"You haven't even tried. This chick is obviously perfect for you."

"Okay, I'll keep you updated." 

I hung up the phone and looked at the number on the can. My head bobbed up and down as I entered it into my contacts. I knew I needed to keep the first text simple. 

Hey, this is Spencer from the cafe. Thanks for the specialty drink and the Kickstart today.

Normal enough, right? She replied faster than I'd expected. 

Of course! Sorry if it was weird giving you my number like that, I just thought you were cool and wanted to get to know you. 

Oh my god, she thinks I'm cool. 

Thanks! If you're free tomorrow, I'd like to invite you to join me for lunch. A few of my coworkers and I are going out and I think you'd make a great addition.

My heartbeat quickened as I waited for her reply. 

That sounds awesome. Just let me know when and where. :)

I absolutely couldn't wait to see her.

Lemme know if you guys want a part 2 <3

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