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Noah's POV
I was walking around Target. Keith and I were doing a small snack run for the others back at the studio. I saw my favorite chips. I was walking very fast, not paying attention to what was around me. They sold out fast and I wanted to be sure to grab a few. With a loud thud, I ran into a girl and fell to the ground with her on top of me.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry here." She got up and took my hand. She pulled me up and I brushed myself off and smiled.

"Sorry about that. I just saw my favorite chips and had to get them." I laughed.

"Those are my favorites too! Wait, hey aren't you from Smosh? Umm, Noah right?" She's a fan. I love fans.

"Yeah! It's nice to meet you." She wasn't like other fans, screaming, crying, jumping, or hugging. I liked her. She was pretty cute too.

"Do you guys have a free spot for an extra editor? I've been looking for a job."

"I can ask Joe or Sunny. Can I get your number?" She nodded.

"Here." She typed in her number and handed back my phone.

She walked to the checkout and I grabbed the chips. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around.

"Just me. I see you got a girl there ay?" Keith play-punched me.

"Nah, she might be coming to the Smosh office though. She is pretty cute." Keith laughed.

"Come on. Grab ya chips. We gotta get back to work." We got through the checkout and drove back to work.

"Hey, guys! Did you get my soda?" Shayne ran over to us.

"Yep! Here." I handed Shayne his pop and went to find Sunny to ask him about any free positions. He told me that one of our editors was taking a job with a different YouTube channel in the next month or two so we would have a spot opening up soon. I told him about Y/n and gave him her info for an interview. I shared her number with him and called her with an update. 

A few weeks later, a girl came in. She looked very familiar and I soon realized that it was the girl from Target. I think her name was Y/n. I watched as she struggled to hold up her boxes of things and ran over to help her. 

"Oh, thanks." She let out a sigh of relief and looked at me. "Noah! It's so good to see you! I got the job! All thanks to you, of course." 

"No problem! I'm glad you're joining our team." We found her new editing office and set up her things. I looked into a box with lots of figures and trinkets. I found her little collection somewhat attractive and watched as she placed a few more organizers on her desk. I looked at my watch, remembering that I hadn't had breakfast. It was around ten. 

"Hey, I forgot to eat breakfast. Would you want to get brunch across the street? There's a small coffee shop with some food," I suggested. She dropped a few more paperclips into a jar. 

"I'd love to. I'm starving. Please lead the way," she smiled. Her teeth seemed to be perfect and her cheeks turned a bit red from smiling so wide. 

"Are you new to California?" I wasn't great at small talk, but I wanted to get to know her better.

"Oh, no. I've been here for a few years, floating around with jobs. I'm happy I finally found a work environment I'll enjoy." 

"I'm glad to hear that. Are you looking forward to anything specific with us?" 

"Nothing that I can think of. All of it seems really fun." Her head tilted upwards. "Is this the place?" I followed where she was pointing. 

"Yep." I opened the door for her. It didn't take us long to be seated by the hostess. I enjoyed listening to her compliment the different aspects of the restaurant and being enthralled by the decor. She seemed to get more beautiful by the second. 

"Noah?" She was waving her hands in front of my face.

"Sorry, what's up?"

"You've been staring at me for the last minute. You alright?" 

"Oh yeah, sorry."

"What were you thinking about?" 

"Ah, nothing. It's kinda embarrassing."  

"No, tell me. I can keep a secret." She giggled a bit as she looked down at her menu. 

"It's just," I sighed, trying to find the way to say it. "I think you're beautiful and I'm really excited to get to know you." She didn't respond immediately. "Sorry, I know we're getting to know each other." 

"No! It's alright. We can call this a date."


"Yep. Maybe we can plan a future one while we're at it." 

I couldn't respond. The grin on my face said everything for me. I couldn't wait to spend more time with the perfect girl in front of me. 

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