Work Proposal (Shayne)

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You and Shayne have been together for a couple of years now. You've been slightly open with your relationship online, but the fans had no idea how close you two really were. 

Y/n's POV

The bean bag chair I was sitting in started to move. When I slowly realized that I was being dragged across the room, I threw my head back to see who was moving me around. Shayne. 

"What are you doing?" 

"It's almost call time." 

"Call time for what? I'm not on a call sheet for anything today."

"We have a who meme'd it episode to film. Olivia had to cancel and you're here." 

"Well, hold on." I put my feet down, stopping him. I stood up and shoved my phone in my pocket. "I need to go fix my hair and makeup." 

"Babe, you look fine. Come on, it's starting soon and we need to get our mics on." 

"No, no. Let me go do a touch-up okay?" I jogged to my desk and snatched some mascara and a brush. I looked at my reflection in the window to see what I needed to fix. Fortunately, I didn't look too bad. 

Shayne's POV

I knew that Y/n was going to take a few minutes to fix herself up for the video, so I got to set as fast as I could. Damien and Angela were already at the table waiting to shoot. The crew was still adjusting lighting and cameras. I went over to the table and placed my hands on the table. 

"Guys," I whispered. They put their phones down to look at me. 

"What's up?" Damien crossed his arms. 

"You two are the only two that know what's going to happen other than Josh. He made the meme slideshow, so I had to tell him what to do." 

"Wait, Ian and Anthony don't know?" Angela looked scared. 

"Nope. Well, they do, they just don't know it's happening today. I got smart and invited everyone to come into the studio to watch. All of them think it's another episode, but it's not." I grinned at the thought of my plan. 

"Are you nervous?" Angela giggled at her question. 

"Yeah, I am. I really want this to go well. I'm scared she'll be upset that it's not some stunning place with a view of the sunset." I tapped my fingers on the table. 

"Shayne, I've seen you two together long enough to know that she'd be happy if you proposed to her in a landfill," Damien commented. He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. 

"Thanks, man. I guess I just want everything to be perfect for her." 

"She's coming," Angela whispered. I turned around slowly, trying to seem as if I wasn't having the conversation I was just having. 

"Everything alright?" She asked. 

"Yeah, everything's fine. We were just talking about going out to eat later tonight." 

"Oh, okay. Am I invited?" 

"Why is that even a question?" Damien looked confused as he chuckled at her question. 

"Alright, guys! Let's get this started!" Kiana waved her hand in the air and took a sip of her coffee. Y/n sat down in the seat beside Damien, closest to me. I'd planned their seating chart. Y/n, Damien, then Angela. I was nervous that Angela would slip up and say something to Y/n, so I separated the two. 

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