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Y/n's POV
It has been three weeks since Shayne and Courtney started dating. I couldn't help but be jealous because I had a little crush on him. I know what you're thinking, ok I had a BIG crush on him. He was really funny, cute, and shorter than a few other guys in Smosh. I received a text from Wes saying that he was taking me to work that day. 

Wes is my brother. And a great one at that! He's huge, muscular, and sweet. The perfect bro. I turned off all the lights and locked my door. I ran down to the garage. I actually took the elevator, but that doesn't matter.

"Hey, baby sis!" He ruffled my hair.

"Hey! I worked hard on my hair today! Anyway, I'm not a baby." I play-punched him and got into the car.

"Hey, Y/n?"

"What?" I looked up to him and smiled.

"I know you're still sad about Shayne. I was thinking that after lunch we could go to the Ben & Jerry's ice cream shop. Would that be ok with you?" That was awesome. I loved BJ's. Wait. I didn't mean it like that. 

"Wes, I would love to! I also know that you're just finding another way to get ice cream." We laughed and pulled up to the office.

Shayne's POV
I was walking up to Courtney's apartment and used the key she gave me. I cracked the door and peeped inside. I looked around and didn't see her. I guess she was still getting ready. I opened the door enough so that I could walk in. I shut the door behind me and heard someone kiss. Then a giggle.

"Heh! Alex stop." I heard Courtney laugh. I was so angry. I pushed open the door hard. I looked at the sight of my girlfriend on top of another guy, making out in nearly no clothes.

"What the hell Courtney?!"

"Shayne! I uh umm." She looked down at "Alex". I couldn't say another word. I shook my head and turned around. I held back my tears and walked out.

"Wait, Shayne!" She ran after me.

"What?! You've made it clear enough that you don't want me! I came early because I wanted some time with you but I guess that won't ever happen again! We're done!" I threw the key down and she teared up. I walked out and slammed the door. I had to call in sick. I couldn't put on a fake smile today. This was hard. I'll call Y/n. Hopefully, she'll spread the word. I knew I shouldn't have gotten into a work relationship.


"Hey y/n, I'm calling in sick today." My voice cracked. I was about to have a breakdown. I got in the car.

"Shayne! You don't sound ok. What's wrong?" She sounded worried. Why would she be worried?

"I just," I started crying. When I started, I couldn't stop. She must have heard me.

"Shayne! You poor thing. I'm coming over ok? I'll be there soon." She was so caring. I'm glad to have her as a friend. She always knew how to make me smile. I was halfway to my apartment anyway so I would get there first.

"Thanks y/n. I'll see you there. Bye."

"Bye Shayne." I hung up and reached my apartment.

Y/n's POV
Why was Shayne so sad? Was he feeling that bad or did he get hurt? All that I know is that I needed to be there for him. I elbowed Wes.



"Can I get a ride to Shayne's?"

"Sure! Why?"

"He called in sick and didn't sound ok. I just want to check on him." Wes nodded and we got in his car.

Wes dropped me off I waved goodbye as he left.

I went up to Shayne's apartment and knocked. About a few seconds later a red-faced Shayne opened the door. I was shocked to see the sight of Shayne crying.

"Shayne! Hey, what happened?" I walked in and shut the door. He was crying as I led him to the couch. We sat down and he put his head on my shoulder. I rubbed his back and handed him a tissue.

"Shhh. Hey, it's gonna be ok. What's wrong? Please tell me." I looked down at him and he sat up. He looked at me with red eyes. I don't know what happened but he's been crying for a long time.

"She cheated on me. I was picking her up for work and saw her sucking this guy's face off!" What the heck? Courtney. I thought that she was a good person. I guess not. Poor Shayne. I need to be here for him. I looked back at him and he had his head in my lap. I looked down.

"Shayne. Look at me." He turned over and faced me. He sniffed and I teared up. I HATE seeing him like this.

"Shayne. I'm here. I know you loved her, but she did an awful thing to you. You did not deserve that. I want you to know that I'm here for you. I'll always be there when you need me in bad times like this. I'm sorry." He smiled and rose to hug me for a long time.

"I love you, Y/n." It was quiet, but I heard it. I wasn't sure if I was hearing things.

"What?" He pulled away from the hug and kissed me. Of course, I kissed back. I pulled away and started crying. 

"What's wrong? What did I do? I'm sorry." He looked worried. I looked back at him and smiled.

"It's just that... I love you too." I hugged him and he squeezed.

"So want to watch a movie? I have ice cream!" Shayne ran to the kitchen and came back with a tub of ice cream with two spoons.

"What movie?" I turned on Netflix and scrolled through the movies.

"Hurricane Bianca?" I laughed and found the movie. I grabbed a spoon and Shayne pulled me closer. We cuddled as we ate Neapolitan ice cream.

"Hey, this looks like Noah's hair." I laughed and posted a picture of the ice cream.

"Y/n, you're the best." I looked at Shayne and smiled. We kissed and watched the rest of the movie. We fell asleep cuddling.

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