Ian 2) More Than Friends

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Y/n's POV

I have no ideas for my YouTube channel. I'm a random girl and do random things so I have no idea what to do! I decided to call Ian for ideas.

He's my best friend along with Anthony. We've been besties since the fifth grade. Now we're in high school with YouTube channels. Yay. They are the greatest friends to have. They also have a YouTube channel called Smosh. It's great. I've been in quite a few of their videos. Like in the Pokémon videos and the "If Video games were real". Great videos by the way.

Ian picked up the phone. (I=Ian Y=You!)
I- Hey Y/n!
Y- Hey Ian! Can we do something today? Like a YouTube video?
I- Sure! I've had an idea for a hot pepper karaoke video with Smosh Games.
Y- Sounds awesome! Be over in a bit!
I- ok! Love you bye!
Y- Love you too! Bye!

I turned off my phone and got dressed.

Ian's POV
I went back to playing Tetris after Y/n called. I loved her so much. Her cute glasses and rosy cheeks always made me smile. She was a little short compared to me so I loved it when she looked up to me. She was also a little busty and it almost gave me a boner one time. I laughed at myself. Wait, she's going to my house. Dammit, I'm here at set already.

Ian-Y/n we're at set! I'm sorry. I'll come to get you.

💜Y/n- Oh.... um ok.

Ian-See you in a minute!

I jumped up and opened the door.

"Where are you going? We have to do a video." Laser asked.

"I'm going to get Y/n! I'll be back." I ran out of the door and got in the car. I started it and drove to my house. I saw the girl sitting on my porch. I got out and walked up to her.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I brought you some coffee if you want it." I helped her up as she pushed up her glasses.

"Ian it's fine. Thanks though!" She took the coffee and started chugging it.

"I'm guessing you didn't wake up well this morning?" I laughed.

"Not at all, Ian." She got a text and took her phone out of her pocket. He opened it and I looked over her shoulder. "Hey, Wes wants to know where we are. We should get going." She put up her phone and we started walking to the car.

I opened the door for her. She got in and so did I. I started the car as she put on her seatbelt.

"Hey, Y/n can I ask you a big question?" She looked up at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course Ian."

"Y/n Y/l/n, will you join Smosh?" Her face went blank. She held my hand while we were at a stop sign.

"Ian Hecox, if I join Smosh, will you be my boyfriend?" Now my face went blank. I had no idea she felt like that.

                         Y/n's POV
Why the hell did I say that? Do I like him? I looked at his face. It was completely blank. I blushed and put on an awkward smile. He smashed his lips on mine. It took me by a huge surprise. I kissed back and we heard a car honk behind us. We pulled away and laughed.

"Well then! Two great things happened today. My most favorite person joined Smosh and became my girlfriend." He held my hand and smiled at me as we pulled into the parking lot. I got out and he held my hand as we walked in.

"Finally! Can we start the video? Sohinki's been eating the peppers." Mari pointed at Sohinki who was finishing off a pepper. He threw it away quickly and sat up.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I giggled and sat down with Ian. Wes gave me a glare. Oh no, I knew Wes liked me. I think I'm gonna break his heart. Poor thing. I took my hand back and looked down. Ian rubbed my thigh. God dang it that was annoying.

"Ok guys and go!" Sohinki started the video.

"Hey guys! Today we're doing hot pepper karaoke! Now I can eat hot peppers with no problem so I'll be like the referee. Now Joven brought a stupid hat-"

"It's not stupid Sohin! You're stupid!" Joven pointed at him. I giggled again.

"Anyway, I'm gonna pick a name and whoever it is they're up. Now first up," he scrambled through the small pieces of paper. He picked one up and read it, "Lasercorn!!" He pointed at David and he got up. He took the phone and picked a song.

"Today, I'll be singing *NSYNC's Bye Bye Bye." He ate the pepper and started singing. I gotta admit, he was pretty bad. When he was done he got water and yogurt as Wes went up. Wes was bad too. He also threw up. Poor thing. After him, Sohinki pulled two at a time. Surprise, surprise, it was me and Ian. We got up and took a pepper. I was nice and switched peppers with him because his pepper was bigger. We wanted to sing See You Again. I did the rapping part. The pepper was so bad. We finished the video and I ran to the bathroom.

Vomit was coming up. It burned badly. I made it there and threw up. I threw up three times. I flushed the toilet and washed my mouth. I looked at my dead-looking self in the mirror. I looked horrible. I wiped my mouth and stumbled out. Wes caught me.

"Are you ok Y/n?" He asked rubbing my arm.

"I'm fine. And Wes I'm sorry about me and Ian."

"What are you talking about? I have a girlfriend." What??

"Oh, I thought that you gave me that glare because you like me?"

"Y/n I love you. I just thought that you said you already had a boyfriend." I cracked a small smile.
"Wes, that was a lie. I'm sorry. I just didn't want to feel left out because I was single." He laughed. Ian ran up to me.

"Baby, are you ok?" He asked with a worried face.

"She's fine. She just needs a Ginger Ale and some crackers. Works all the time for me. Thank god for Remina." He laughed and waved as he went back to his desk.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that the peppers would make you sick. I can get Mari to get you some crackers and I know we have some Ginger Ale around here somewhere."

"Ok, Ian. I'll be fine. I'll just be at my new desk with the PAC-MAN blanket." He nodded and kissed my head before jogging to the break room. I knew this was gonna be a great relationship.

Hi guys! Thanks for reading! I'm sorry it took me a while to come up with an idea, but I finished! Anyway I love you guys and we're sooo close to 1,000 reads!! Yay! Peace out my SHMELLOS!

Editing in 2024 lmao: I cannot believe I'm editing this seeing that it's received almost 60k reads. Forever grateful for those who have supported my writing since the beginning. 

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