The Cafe Part 2 (Spencer Agnew)

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Y/n's POV

I waited anxiously for Spencer to pick me up. My car was spending its second week in the shop after a parking lot hit-and-run. I'd been walking to work and ordering doordash for my errands, and I was beginning to become impatient with it. I shared my unfortunate situation with Spence and he offered to give me a ride to lunch. 

I wanted to look nice, considering this was somewhat of a date but not. I hoped that he'd like how I looked because he's only ever seen me in my dorky cafe uniform. I put on more makeup than I usually did along with fixing my hair into a braid. 

A black Camry pulled onto my street, driving painfully slow. I figured it was him, so I started waving my arm to get his attention. His brakes made a faint creaking sound as he parked in my driveway. I didn't expect him to get out of the car. 

"Hey! You look nice." He had his glasses on today and his staple outfit of boots, jeans, a tee, and his jacket. 

"Thanks, so do you." I beamed at him. 

"You ready to go? It's a short drive from here." 

"Yep, I have everything." 

He walked me to the passenger side, opening the door for me. I considered it cute that he was being so proper. Not to sound offensive, but I expected his car to be messy or full of empty cups or cans. It wasn't. It was the opposite. It was almost in pristine condition. He drove about a mile before breaking the ice. 

"So, not too many people are coming to lunch with us. It's just a few of my coworkers. They don't have any videos to shoot until later, so we planned to try out this newer place. You don't mind that we'll be around them, do you?" He quickly glanced at me before focusing his eyes back on the road. 

"Oh, I don't mind at all. I know you edit videos in the cafe often. Do all of you work for a YouTube channel or something?"

"Yeah. We work for a channel called Smosh. I'm specifically over Smosh Games." My eyes widened. 

"No way! Like Smosh as in Ian and Anthony food battle Smosh?" I asked. He let out a small laugh. 

"Yes, that Smosh." 

"That's so cool! I used to watch them constantly in high school. What are they up to now?" 

"Well, Anthony made his return and he and Ian bought Smosh back. Since then, we've added a few cast members and started some new kinds of videos. I've started to appear on camera now." 

"Are they going to be there?" I started to get nervous. Ian and Anthony were somewhat celebrities in my eyes. 

"Oh, no. It'll be Shayne, Courtney, Angela, Amanda, Chanse, and us. I hope you're not disappointed." 

"Not at all! I'm excited. Plus, I've been wanting to get to know you after seeing you in the cafe so often." I stared down at my fingers to hide the pink colors on my face. 

"That reminds me."

"What's up?"

"How'd you know my favorite drink was Kickstart?" 

"Oh, I had no clue. I saw that you had one while you were editing one day and took a lucky guess. We don't sell them at the store, so I actually gave you the one I had in the employee fridge." 

"Seriously? You gave up your Kickstart for me?" 

"Well, yeah. I wanted to be extra sure that you had a drink you liked." 

"They were both perfect." The car slowed. "Looks like we're here." 

As I got out of the car, I tilted back and looked up at the tall office-looking building. Near the top, there was a small balcony with plants hanging over the ledge. Spencer held his arm out with his elbow bent. "Shall we?" He put on a proper, English voice. I intertwined my arm with his and we entered the building. 

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