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Y/n's POV

I walked the halls of the school, Like always, as I tried to find a bathroom. I had forgotten my house key and had to text my mom to ask where the spare was.

See, I started riding the bus home instead of getting picked up from school. I like the people on the bus more than the people I have to wait with and my crush is also on the same bus. It's fun getting to ride with them and he always puts me in a happy mood.

Anyway, my mom told me the key was in the flower pot beside the bench. I went back to class and slowly opened the door just to see everyone looking at me. I still had my phone in my hand on accident. I anxiously shoved it back in my pocket and shut the door behind me before going to my seat. Everyone looked at me like normal when someone came into a room. I sat back at my desk with my Chromebook and earbuds and pressed down the space bar to start back on my show. My friend Casey tapped my shoulder. I turned around.


"Are you ok? You were in there a little longer than usual." He asked.

"Oh, I'm fine. I just needed reminding of where the spare key was with my mom and I had to go to the bathroom to hide my texting." I replied.

"Oh, ok. I thought you got sick or something. Dorito?" He held his chip bag up when he asked. I grinned and took a couple. I turned around again and tapped the space bar.

After a while, the bell finally rang for dismissal. They dismissed everyone for busses, walking, and people who got picked up. I went to sit in the stands with other bus riders as I waited for my bus to be called. I saw my crush sit down a few feet away from me. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back. My best friend, Olivia sat beside me. I forgot she was riding home with me today. And Shayne... he left his car at my place because it wouldn't start.

"Hey y/n!" She said doing her weird thing where she couldn't keep eye contact. It's so damn annoying. Like she'll be talking to you and her eyes will look to the side and everywhere else. It's rare if she keeps eye contact with you for more than a single second.

"Hi," I said back, not wanting to talk to her.

"Hi Y/n! You forgot your pen in 8th period," Shayne said sitting beside me.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you! This is my favorite pen!" I said smiling big and taking the pen.

"I know. Most of your best drawings are made with that pen," he smirked.

"15-50! 15-50!" We heard the gym teacher yell through the megaphone. We grabbed our things and quickly got on the bus. I saved a seat for Shayne because Olivia had been pissing me off so much lately.

Olivia was just a complete and utter bitch lately. I couldn't stand even talking to her now. She made fun of my crush on Anthony and called him ugly. She was just stupid asking stupid questions and she always asked questions starting with the word "why". Like "Why do you have so much paint?" Cause I like art dumbass. "Why is there a mark on the wall?" Like I don't know bitch! Shutup.

"Y/n, you ok?" Shayne asked me. I guess I had been thinking too much instead of talking to him.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine, sorry. Do you have any plans for this weekend? Big birthday coming up!" I nudged him.

"Umm, I do actually! I'm going to drive me, you, Olivia, Damian, and Noah to the movies to see the new horror movie coming out," he said happily. I rolled my eyes in my head thinking about Olivia going on the trip but I got over it in a couple of seconds.

"I forgot you and Noah had become good friends. He is like one of the best people I know when I have to talk about problems, but you're still my number one go-to person if I have a problem or had a bad day." I told him.

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