Damien 3) Disney

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      Y/n's POV

Today, the Smosh Squad and Smosh Games were going on a field trip to Disney land. We split up into groups of four. I was with Damien, Wes, and Mari. Oh and Joe.

"What do you guys wanna do first?" Mari asked. She was my best friend, so whatever she or I suggested we would agree with the other.

"I have no idea," Wes answered.

"How about the Haunted Mansion?" Mari suggested. Hell no.

"Heh, nah. How about uhh.." I rubbed my neck.

"Y/n, you remember our promise, don't you?" She looked at me crossing her arms.

"Yeah, but you know how I do with scary things."

"You'll be fine. We have Wes and Damien." Both of the guys blushed. Then I realized that it was too quiet for our group even though we had been talking the whole time.

"Uhh, guys. Where's Joe?" We all looked around. He got stuck in a huddle of fans.
"Guys! Help me!" Joe yelled out. I wasn't gonna help him. Wes jogged over and managed to pull him out.

"Alright guys, let's go find the Haunted Mansion," Damien said with a happy attitude. I looked up at him kind of worried. He held my hand. "Don't worry. I'll be right beside you." He rubbed my knuckles. It really did calm me down.

"Thanks, Dames."

"Guys! Look! There it is!" Mari said almost screaming. We all walked over and got in line. It was pretty short, fortunately. They sat two people in each cart, so Damien and I got one, then Mari and Wes, and then Joe just waited for us to get done. When Damien and I got on he leaned over and whispered something to me.

"It's going to be completely harmless. It's Disney. I'll be right here. Now gimme your hand." I held his hand as we slowly went into a dark room. There was a chair rocking then a random thing of armor and a picture with its eyes moving. It wasn't bad at all until we stopped. Damien looked confused too. Everyone's cart quickly turned around and tilted backward.

"Crap," Damien said squeezing my hand. Then the cart started going backwards and there were fake bats flying around everywhere. I turned out to be fine. Until this head just shot up out of nowhere. That was the only time I had to hold his arm.

When we walked out of the ride we met up with Joe at the churro stand. I love churros so much.

"How was it?" He asked.

"Great! Now gimme!" He handed me a churro and I quickly bit into it. He gave me a confused look. Joe was like a dad to me because we knew each other so well. I mean, I am the godmother of his kids.

"You weren't scared?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nope." He chuckled. Damien looked at me with calming eyes. Damn, he was handsome.

We walked to the Sleeping Beauty castle to hand out and take pictures with fans. While I was taking a few pictures with a few fans I saw Damien whisper something to our group and they all smiled and gave him a thumbs-up.

Damien's POV

"Ok Wes, Joe, Mari? Come here," everyone got into a huddle with me, "okay guys, I'm gonna go in front of the castle and ask for Y/n to be my girlfriend. This is not for the channel at all. I really want her to date me." Mari made a really happy face and Joe gave me a thumbs-up. Wes just said good luck. Y/n raised an eyebrow at me. When she was done with pictures she walked over to us to get her backpack.

"Y/n? Can you come with me?" I asked her holding her hand.

"Sure!" She put her backpack back down and walked with me to the middle of the walkway. I held her other hand. I smiled at her before getting down on one knee. People stopped to watch. Everyone was covering their mouth and getting videos. I didn't care.

"Y/n, will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" She was speechless. A tear ran down her face. Oh no. Was I embarrassing her? Oh shoot I need to get out of here. She slowly started nodding her head. She nodded faster until she started smiling like crazy.

"Yes!" She finally said. I stood up and hugged her. I held her shoulders and kissed her. I felt like everyone and everything disappeared. I pulled away and we both giggled. We held hands walking back to the group and listening to the applause.

"Go, Damien!" Mari said fist bumping him.

"Well, this is a great time to tell you guys that Mari and I are engaged!" Wes hugged Mari as she held up her hand and showed off her ring. Y/n squealed. All of us hugged and just hung out a little bit on a bench. I looked up from my phone to see the other groups stampeding over to us. Keith stopped right in front of us.

"Y/n. What... the..... hell..." he said trying to catch his breath.

"What?" She asked.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Tell you what?"

"To come see you and Damien?" Shayne said throwing his hands up. Ahh crap. I knew that he liked her. And he's my best friend. I'm so sorry Shayne.

"I didn't even know. Don't blame me. Blame those guys." She pointed at the rest of our group. I did a dramatic surprised face.

"Uhh Damien, can I like talk to you?" Shayne asked pointing to a different area.

"Sure." I knew what this was about. I have been busted.

"What the hell man?!" He said shoving me.

"I'm sorry Shayne. I just liked her too much for her to not be my girlfriend." He shook his head at me.

"You knew that I loved her. You lied to me and said you liked Courtney. You are my best friend. Do you really want to ruin our friendship?" He asked looking back up.

"No! Never! I'm sorry for lying to you and just want you to be happy for me." He looked disgusted. What did I just say? I felt like a jerk. All of a sudden I got a little dizzy and felt a sharp pain in my cheek. My best friend, Shayne Topp, just punched me.

Y/n's POV

"Oh my gosh, that's great that you're dating now!" Olivia said hugging me. I giggled and looked over to Dames and Shayne. Damien was stumbling back while holding his cheek. Then I saw him throw a punch at Shayne. He hit him in the shoulder. I stood up and started to jog over there. They both were throwing punches. I reached them.

"Guys! Stop it! You're acting like idiots." Damien threw his arms down. And Shayne crossed his. "Now who started it?" I asked them.

"I did. Only because he's a dirty liar and stole you from me!" I was confused. I looked at Damien who had shame on his face. What just happened?

Hey guys! I'm sorry that I haven't updated this story in a while. I hope you're still liking it ok. Also, I hope you check out my new Wesari story called Just Friends! Thanks for reading! Love you guys! Bye SHMELLOS!!

And, sorry for the cliff hanger!!

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