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     Y/n's POV

I walked into the office like any other day. Everyone said hi and I said hi. I went to the Game Bang room and flopped down on the red couch. I looked around. No one was there. What?

"Hello?" I said. No answer. I guess I'm early. I shrugged it off. It was unusually dark outside. The lights went off.

"The hell?" I mumbled to myself. It was pitch black in the room, except for my phone. I tried to feel my way over to the light switch, but someone grabbed me. They made me sit back down. I did so and waited for anything. The lights came back on.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled. There were streamers and balloons galore and a cake. Oh, the cake. It was huge!

I looked at Sohinki in the front. He was smirking.

"Thanks, Guys!" I said getting up.

"Thank Sohinki," Flitz said pointing.

"Yep. He planned the whole thing." Mari smiled. I looked at Sohinki again. I hugged him. It was a big hug.

"Thanks, Matt. You're amazing." I said pulling away.

"Can eat the cake now?" Wes asked.

"Yes, but you can only have a maximum of two slices," I told him with a laugh.

"Damn." He said. I cut the cake and gave myself a slice. It was my favorite, strawberry. Everyone sat down at their desk and logged into Minecraft. We were doing a Halloween series.

—time skip—

Sohinki's POV

I was sitting on the couch. Y/n fell on me on purpose. She was now sitting in my lap.

"Ow," I said with a grunt.

"Sorry. Wanna play truth or dare with me, Flitz, Mari, and Wes?" She asked with a cute smile.

"Sure! Where's Lasercorn by the way?" I asked.

"Oh, his babysitter had somewhere to go so Tyler's coming here." She said getting up. I nodded. We went to the room where we were playing truth or dare. I saw Flitz laughing with them and sat down by Y/n.

"Finally you're here!" Mari said throwing her hands up in the air. I laughed.

"Ok, Y/n, truth or dare?" Wes asked.

"Dare." She said.

"I dare you to slap Sunny in the face." He said with a laugh.

"Ok." She said jumping up. We followed her.

"Hey Sunny!" She said happily.

"Hey, Y/n." He said turning around. She smacked him and ran away. We all went back to the room we were in and cracked up.

"Ok ok, Sohinki, truth or dare?" Mari asked.

"I'll do a dare," I replied. She looked at Flitz and Wes. They all smirked.

"Ok Matt, kiss Y/n." She said. Y/n blushed. I got a little mad myself because I never turn down any dares. I rolled my eyes.

"Screw it," I said before holding Y/n's chin and kissing her. I pulled away before anything else could happen.

"Am I Smokey from Friday? Because DAMN!" Flitz said laughing. I smiled to myself. Y/n slowly stood up and left the room. Oh no.

                             Y/n's POV

I left the room. I didn't know what to think. My life-long crush just kissed me on the lips. I walked around the office not knowing what to do. I said hi to a few people awkwardly. I was about to get into the elevator when someone called my name.

"Y/n, Wait!" I heard that person say. It was Sohinki. I didn't say anything. We both walked into the elevator. We were on the top floor so it would take a while to get to the bottom. We looked at each other. For some weird reason, I had an adrenaline rush and an urge to kiss him. I guess he did too because we smashed our lips on each other and made out in the elevator. The stubble of his beard tickled my face and his kisses were getting rougher the more we kissed. He held my waist and pulled me close. I had my arms around his neck. I opened my eyes to look at what floor we were on. Floor number 1. We pulled away.

The doors opened and we walked out in different directions. It was crazy. We just made out in the elevator and walked away. Huh.

The next day

                               Sohinki's POV

I walked into the office with my and Y/n's coffee.

"Yo Sohinki! Come here." I heard Flitz say. I walked over and saw him behind the desk with someone. Some camera footage was pulled up. That person sitting next to him was Y/n. She was looking down.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Can you Umm, explain this?" Flitz asked pointing at the footage. It was the elevator footage. My face flushed.

"I thought that we were just playing a game. I didn't know that we were match-makers, Flitz," Mari said elbowing Flitz. Y/n looked up at me. She smiled weakly up at me. I smiled back and sat on her. She made a squeaky sound.

"Ow," She said trying to push me off.

"You guys are adorable," Mari said walking off.

"Matt get off!" Y/n said giggling. She tried to push me off again. It didn't work.

"Come on guys! We have a video to shoot. Board AF!" Joven yelled. I got up and held her hand. She took in a huge breath and stood up. I handed her her coffee.

"So are you guys a thing or nah?" Flitz asked.

"We are," I said simply. I held her waist and we walked to the Board AF set.

We played Clue for a while and ended the video. Afterward, we were free to do anything we wanted. I hung out with Y/n and we decided to annoy the Smosh Pit crew. We went to their office and she took Shayne's pencils and kicked them off of his desk one by one. I kept taking Noah's scripts and kept asking what they were. They weren't very happy.

"Umm, guys? You might need to leave before Shayne blows a fuse. His face is boiling." Courtney said looking up from her phone. I looked over at him. Y/n slowly backed away. We ran out of there laughing.  

"So, wanna go to the movies?" I asked her.

"Sure," She said with a smile.

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