Spencer's Gifts (Spencer Agnew)

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Y/n's POV

"Hey, Y/n? We have some boxes of shirts in the back. I need you to stock them after your lunch break please." My manager asked. She stood beside me at the counter and repositioned a couple of penholders. 

"Yeah, I can do that. Is that all? I'm about to head to the food court." I started to gather my purse and keys. 

"No, unless you'd like to reorganize the dildos," she chuckled. I smirked and shook my head. 

"I think I'm alright, Val. I'll see you in a bit." I waved her goodbye. I left my lanyard on. I knew that I'd be back at work before my break time was up. I was usually alone during my break and I didn't enjoy spending much time doing completely nothing. I needed to be doing something with my hands or keeping myself busy. 

I tried to keep a variety when it came to eating in the food court. There were only so many options and I was scared to leave the mall because I hated having to find a new parking spot. Just thinking about driving through the parking lot for a while makes me nervous about being late. I wanted something minimal, so I decided to go with a boba tea with a soft pretzel. After ordering and paying, I found a chair and table that was somewhat hidden behind some plants. Instagram was the first app I opened as I tried to keep myself preoccupied as I ate lunch. 

Spencer's POV

"Wait, where did you need to go?" I asked Damien. He and Alex needed to visit the mall to buy some new clothes and asked me to tag along. I was happy to have been invited, but I was anxious to pass by a certain store. 

I've developed a crush on a girl who works at the Spencer's Gifts in the mall and I always felt a pang of nervousness whenever I knew I was going to the mall. She was so pretty and I would awkwardly wave at her if I saw her. One time, she asked me if I needed help finding something and I replied in pure gibberish. Alex hasn't let me live it down since it happened. Now, I dread going to Spencer's in fear of doing something like that again. 

"Oh, I wanted to go by Hot Topic to get a replacement chain for one of my pairs of jeans. I also needed to go by Spencer's to get a gag gift for a friend." He spoke quickly, but the last sentence stood out to me. I stopped walking and slouched over. 

"Oh, come on Spence. She might not even be working today." Alex threw his arm around me and gave me a noogie. I rolled my eyes. 

"Fine. If she's there, keep me hidden," I groaned. 

"Nah, you're short enough to do that yourself," he chuckled. 

We continued on to the stores that Damien wanted to visit. He decided to go to Spencer's Gifts first because it was first on the row of stores. I took in a shaky breath and followed them. 

Y/n's POV

After fifteen minutes, I was already done with my small lunch. There wasn't anything interesting on Instagram or Reddit, so I chose to go back to work early. I know I'm a stick in the mud for not wanting to cherish all of the time off I had, but it was boring sitting by myself for an hour. 

Val was reorganizing the rack of backpacks beside the entrance when I returned. She liked to separate the backpacks by franchises. 

"I'm back," I announced. 

"Oh, welcome back. How was your short break?" She kept moving the bags back and forth as she spoke, 

"It was alright. The boba place had a new flavor, so I tried it. Other than that, it was boring as usual." Val nodded to acknowledge my answer. I was about to go to the cashier counter when she cleared her throat. 

"That customer you like came by earlier. You know, the one with the curly hair and the glasses?" She side-eyed me with a smirk. 

"Really? That sucks that I missed him. Oh well." I shrugged and went to the back of the store to grab the T-shirt boxes that Val mentioned before. 

I hung my bag in the cubby before grabbing my first box. They were a bit heavier than expected, but I managed by myself. It was a bit of a struggle to get back through the store with the huge thing. The box landed on the ground with a loud thud when I was in front of the shirt wall. After I dropped it, I went back to the stock room to grab our step stool. I bumped into Val as I walked out of the doorway. 

"Your man is back," she whispered. My face started to get warm at the thought of seeing him. I brushed my hair over my ears. I knew that the tips of them turned red when I blushed. I kept an eye out for him even though I wasn't sure if I was going to approach him or avoid him. I felt like a creep as I searched around the front of the store for him. The only people I saw were two men around my age, one with longer hair and glasses and the other with black and purple hair. I figured that Val was just messing with me, so I turned around to get back to work and smacked myself into someone. 

"Shit, I'm sorry. Oh, my bad for cussing." I backed away from the person. It was him. I felt my face getting warm. 

"You're fine, perfectly fine. You alright?" He adjusted his glasses. 

"I'm amazing, yes thank you. Sorry again," I rambled. I dodged past him and back to the shirt shelves where I should've been in the first place. 

Spencer's POV

I felt as if I was having a stroke when I spoke to her. I'd finally gotten close enough to see her name tag. Y/n. 

"Dude, what happened?" Alex tapped my shoulder. 

"I was just looking around and we ran into each other." 

"What'd you say to her? Did you finally ask her out?" 

"No, I uh didn't know what to say." 

"Spencer, I swear if you don't go and ask her out, I'm going to eat all of your lunches from the employee fridge this week. Go." He pointed in her direction and shoved me a bit. I brushed him off and walked as slowly as I could to the shirt shelves. She was folding the shirts quickly as she pulled them out of the box and put them on the shelves. I must've been standing there for a second too long because she looked at me and raised an eyebrow. 

"Can I help you?" She didn't look at me as she spoke, but her voice was sweet. It didn't sound like a fake customer service voice. Instead, it was authentic. 

"Oh, um I was just looking around." I didn't want to wimp out. Alex would never let me live it down. Nor would I. "Actually," I cleared my throat, "I have a question for you." She stopped folding for a second. She draped the shirt over the side of the box and turned to me. 

"What's up?" She asked. 

"I, um, so," I stuttered. "When do you, uh, what time do you get off work?" I started to cringe at myself in my mind. "I mean, like, I know you're on the clock and I wanted to ask for your number, but I figured you wouldn't be able to if you were working." As I waited for her answer, I glanced over to Alex and Damien who were watching me closely. 

"That's funny because I've been keeping this in my pocket for a while just in case I saw you again." She pulled a yellow folded sticky note from her pocket and held it out to me. I accepted it and slipped it into my jacket. "I get off at four. Text me if you'd like to go to dinner or hang out." She seemed confident, but the blush on her face said otherwise. 

"I will. I'll see you later." I tried to control the smile on my face. 

Part 2 coming in the next couple of days! Send requests, please! 

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