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For anyone who has read this story (and who has just started, hey there) and who is confused, I have changed the characters name from Chloe to Nori as I think it suits her better :)

Day 1

I might as well introduce myself, hey *waves* I'm Nori- I'm 15 and from Australia. I have long brown hair, and blue eyes with freckles, I'm pretty short- 5'2 to be exact, and kinda chubby. I listen to metalcore type bands, such as om&m, bmth, bvb, fir. And I FREAKING LOVE ZOMBIES- yeah, I'm no girly girl as you can tell. So it all began when I was at home, watching The Walking Dead- laying around in my om&m hoody and track pants like always.

'Mm, carl is so cute,' I say to myself
'I wonder if he has a girlfriend,' I continue, puzzled.
He has bangs, I dig that.
'Haha right, he wouldn't go for a girl like me any- NO DON'T YOU GET BITTEN ON ME CARL!' I yell, watching him struggle to get away from a walker which has stuck itself onto his leg, but Rick soon comes to the rescue.
'Thanks Rick- I owe you one, he can't leave me yet,' I mumble, content that my TV crush isn't going to die just yet.
'I'm so weird, this can't be healthy surely- talking to myself like this.'
I hop up out of my bed, and as I walk past my window I hear a deafening loud BANG! And I fall to the floor and scuttle under my bed to take refuge.
"What the heck was that?!' I say to myself, shocked.
I grab my phone out from my pocket and dial my dad's number, I'd dial my mums but sadly she passed away from cancer two years earlier- I'm still not over that.
Ring ring no answer.
'Dammit dad where are you?'
Being home by myself at 11pm is scarier than I thought, well I might as well brave what's happening and look outside the window instead of cowering under my bed.
I crawl out reluctantly and grab the window frame to help me up, and I gaze upon a mushroom looking cloud, I gasp 'was that the science lab?' I say, my mouth wide open looking like a fish out of water, 'it couldn't have been- I hope dads not working and on his way home.. Otherwise..' No- stop it, don't think about that.
I turn away from the window, and head down stairs when suddenly my phone vibrates in my pocket, and I instantly pick it up
"Dad!?" I say, on the verge of a panic attack- those things ruin my life.

"Yes it's dad, honey, I want you to lock all the doors in the house and stay inside, do you understand!?" He yells.

"Why what happened!? Please come home!" I say frantically.

"Nothing to worry about - he's lying - just do what I said please! I'll be home soon!"

And I swear before he hung up, I heard blood curdling screams.

I know this chapter is really short, this is just a small introduction and I hope ya'll keep reading next time I update- which should be soon! Please vote, comment and follow! :D

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