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"Goodnight," I say to the boys who are staying downstairs.
I walk up the stairs and take a left into the couples bedroom, and jump in their bed. I feel strange, and really rude just walking into someone's house and staying and sleeping in their bed.. But it's so comfy, and within minutes I've passed out.


"Wakey wakey," I hear Alan say, I flip over and see him standing in the door way repeatedly knocking on the door.

"Mmmph" I groan and I bury my face into the pillow,

"You won't guess what cereal I found," says Alan teasingly,
"FROOTLOOPS" he yells and runs down the stairs, I hop out of bed, almost trip over and follow him down the wooden stairs where Trent and Austin are laying about.

"Where," I say marching over to Alan and he hands me a bowl of frootloops and I happily dig in.

I sit next to Trent who is also eating some cereal with Nala trying to eat out of his bowl,
"I've already fed you," he says pushing her backwards back she just runs back up,

"Alan, what have you done to my cat," I say and Alan looks at me confused with a mouth full of cereal,
"She's as stubborn as you," I say, and he laughs and spits cereal everywhere,

"Hun, I think she got it from you," he says cleaning up the cereal,

"Am I really that stubborn?" I ask Austin whose sitting on the other side of me, he doesn't reply but he gets up and walks away with his hands up in the air as if saying "I don't want anything to do with this." and Trent chuckles next to me and I glare at him.

*time warp ooo*
*day 28*

We've been in the house for a week now, I've forgotten what the day is, and I have no idea what the date is either- all I know is that winter is coming, because every morning the yard is covered in frost and I wake up shivering every morning.
I also have the couples bed to myself- but sometimes one of the boys would sneak into my bed overnight because it gets that cold- usually it's Alan, like always. I feel bad too- because they all have to sleep downstairs on the couches and recliners- which aren't too bad because they're huge and they also have the fire place.

I waddle downstairs wrapped in my blanket, I'm unable to get back to sleep because it's just so damn cold. I shuffle along the cold wooden floors and plop down in front of the fire which is only just still burning, I go to reach for some wood when I realise we're out- we'll have to get some later today.
The boys are still asleep, all cozy looking on their couches. Nala is asleep with Austin, and Trent and Alan are basically hugging for warmth by the looks of it- which is kinda cute.

I decide I need a hot drink, so I grab the pot which is placed ontop of the fire with water in it and drag it to the kitchen where I find some milo and cupboard milk(ew), and I make myself a hot milo. I don't even think Austin and Alan have had milo before- because they're not from Australia. I grab the pot of water- but foolishly grab it by the rim which is hot and burn myself,
"Shit!" I yell dropping my milo and it smashes on the ground, "I'm so not a morning person," I say getting a tea towel and I hear Trent stir,

"Are you okay?" He says sleepily sitting up and rubbing his eyes,

"Yeah- but I dropped my milo," I say bending down and wiping the floor.
He comes over and inspects my hand,

"found out the pot was hot the hard way eh?" He says smiling at me, and he runs my hand under some cold water- while still holding it and rubbing it gently, making me blush when Alan wakes up and winks at me.

"So, we're out of fire wood," I say yanking my hand from Trent's grasp and awkwardly putting the broken cup in the bin,

"There's a shed out the back," says Austin just awoken and running his fingers through his hair, "could be some manly tools in there."

"Great, me and Trent will go wood cutting- or something," says Alan un surely,

"Like that won't attract zombies pfft," I say sarcastically,

"You, wood cutting? Manly?" Says Austin jokingly,

"I'm so manly!" Yells Alan,

"Is that why they call you the ginger princess?" I say giggling along with Trent and Austin, but Alan soon joins in.

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