Day 20

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*next morning*
Day 20

I'm woken up by being thrown around in bed, Austin must be driving.
I look over to find Alan on the bunk across from mine still asleep, and Trent underneath him stirring from all the movement.
He stretches and makes a "Eeeeee" noise then releases his muscles and sighs.
I smile and climb down from my bunk and scuttle past him and I almost fall over Nala as she runs between my legs and attempts to bite my toes.
"Austin did you let Nala out of the bathroom?" I call out to Austin,

"Yes, she peed on the floor,"

Great, she's obviously not using her little box.
I scoop her up and take her into the bathroom and sit on the floor next to her little box.
"You pee and poo in there, not the floor," I say putting her in the little box.
She sneezes and jumps out, I grab her and sit her back in there and she does it again.
"You're so stubborn," I say getting up to get some tuna for her.

"Who, me?" Alan mumbles still half asleep,

"No, but you are pretty stubborn too I guess," I say walking back past his bunk and into the bathroom with some tuna.

I put her in the box and she sniffs, sneezes again and jumps out.
I sigh and plop her back in the box and she squats and pees.

"Good girl!" I say as she jumps out of the box and I give her some tuna, "Even Alan wouldn't have learned that fast."

"What did you say?" Says Alan climbing down from his bunk,

"Oh, nothing," I say picking Nala up and walking out of the bathroom.

I plop her down on the floor and grab a bowel of cereal. I sit down at the table with little Nala asleep on my feet when Trent walks out of the bunk area, hair messed up, rubbing his eyes and looking real cute.

"Morning," I say to him through a mouthful of cereal.

He grunts and sits across from me on the table.

"Someone's sleepy," I say,

He grunts again and lays his head on the table on top of his arms.
Austin pulls the bus over and walks into the kitchen,

"Why is there a boy asleep on my table?" Says Austin. He walks over to Trent and pats his face, "Wakey wakey."

Trent sits up and runs his fingers through his hair, and smiles across at me,
"Sorry, didn't sleep very well," he says getting up and pouring himself some cereal then sitting back down across from me, Austin also joins us.

"Any plans other then driving today?" I ask shovelling cereal into my mouth,

"You're more man than lady," says Alan walking from the bunks and sitting next to me.

"Excuuuse me," I say turning and spitting some cereal on Alan accidentally.
He wipes it off his face dramatically and makes a "oh my god you did not just do that" facial expression while Austin and Trent giggle across from us.
Alan gets up and walks away with his arm up in the air flipping the bird at me.
I chuckle and continue to eat my cereal, and pick Nala up off my feet and sit her on the table where she runs between us trying to drink the milk from our bowls.


"So where are we?" I ask Austin sitting next to him in the passenger seat with Nala asleep on my lap.

"I have absolutely no idea," says Austin laughing, "I don't know Australia very well."

"I should be the map lady!" I say grabbing the map which is scrunched up on the floor.
I hold it up in front of my face,

"It's upside down," says Austin trying not to laugh,

"Oh," I say spinning it around, "I still don't understand," I say throwing it on the floor waking Nala and she makes a cute "Mew" noise as she stretches.

We're half way across a bridge when out of nowhere a crowd of runners come out of the bush and Austin swerves to avoid them and we hit the rail,

"Shit!" Yells Austin as he crashes into the rail and I cling onto Nala so she doesn't go flying through the window.

I hear Alan yell "what the fuck?" From the back of the bus and Trent ask what happened when the bus slowly slips forward off the side of the bridge, and we're soon staring down at the ground below the bridge as the bus creeps off the side.

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