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"So we don't exactly have any cat food," says Austin patting my kitten.

"Tuna?" I say,

Austin gasps, "you're feeding them MY tuna?"

"You'll live" I say giggling.

*a few hours later*

"Something's wrong with Sooty" says Alan sounding concerned.

"What is it?" I say walking over to him,

"He's not responding to me. He hasn't woken up in the last half hour and I've moved him around a lot, but he doesn't wake up no matter what I do,"

I take the kitten from Alan and hold it, and he's right, it's still alive, but it's just not opening it's eyes.
I lift it's head and scratch it's chin to see if it makes any noises, because all cats love being scratched under the chin, but it doesn't do anything.

"Well?" Says Alan looking scared,

"I don't know what to tell you Alan," I say sadly.
I sit the kitten on the table, and lightly hit slap the table, but he doesn't even flinch at the noise next to him.

"I don't think he's well," I say picking Sooty up.

Alan makes a sniffle noise and stretches his arms out for me to give him back Sooty, and walks off with the kitten in his arms.

"Why so sad?" Says Trent coming up behind me holding little Nala.

"Sooty isn't doing real well, he won't respond to anything," I say grimly.

"Well that can't be good," says Trent looking down at Nala concerned.

"I think Sooty is the runt of the litter," I say, "he's smaller than Nala and god knows how long they've been on the side of the road,"

"You're right, poor Sooty," says Trent handing me Nala and walking off into Alan's direction of the bunks.

I stare down at the little kitten and she looks up at me, and god she's so cute.
I sit her down and the ground and see what she does. She's sneezes and crawls on my feet and falls asleep, making my heart melt.

"I found myself a foot heater," I say to Austin as he walks past me,

"What?" He says stopping and looking at me,

"Look," I say pointing to my feet with the sleeping Nala on them.

"That's adorable," he says smiling warmly at the kitten, "where's your boyfr- I mean Trent, and Alan?"

I pause for a second in annoyance, "sooty isn't well, Trent went off to comfort Alan," I say

"Oh, what's wrong with Sooty?" asks Austin,

"We don't know, he's unresponsive,"

Austin frowns and walks into the bunk area to find Alan, and I'm suddenly craving chocolate.
"Little Nala, please get off my feet," I say spreading them apart so she falls through the middle and stirs, then makes a cute little "Mew" sound and stands up.
I scoop up my little kitty and realise she kinda smells like a garbage bin.
So I fill up the kitchen sink with warm water and sit the little fluff ball in the water, as she reluctantly clings onto my arm painfully.
"It won't kill you," I say grabbing her by the scruff of the back of her neck and she stops struggling, and I plop her in the water.
"Mewwwwww!" She cries out as she tries to climb back up my arm.
"It's only water," I say scooping some up in my hand and pouring it over her until she's complete saturated apart from her head, and I drain the sink and wrap her in a tea towel.
"See, that wasn't too bad, and now you don't stink," I say when Alan walks out of the bunks with tears in his eyes.
"Sooty is dead," he saying sobbing.

"Oh, no. Poor Sooty," I say sitting Nala on the couch in her towel and hugging Alan.
Austin walks out and pats Alan on the back then followed by Trent who has little Sooty wrapped in a towel.

"Can we bury him?" asks Alan,

"Of course," I say letting Alan go.
I quickly put Nala in the bathroom and shut the door then follow the boys outside where Trent is digging a little hole for little Sooty. He puts the little body in the hole and covers it with dirt, and kindly puts a yellow flower on top.

"Rest in peace, Sooty," says Alan sobbing, and it kills me to see Alan cry. we all know how much he loves cats, it's just a shame he had to lose the one he liked the most.

We all walk back on the bus and Austin starts it up and drives away, leaving little Sooty behind.

"Alan loved that cat," says Trent who's sitting next to me on my bunk.

"He did. He loves cats," I say sadly.

"Do you think it'd be a good idea to find him another pet?" asks Trent "or too soon?"

"Too soon," I say grimly.

"So, you know I like you, I've said it before," says Trent nervously, "do you like me too?"

I stare at him,

"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood," says Trent, staring off in his own world.

"A little," I say breaking the silence after 30 seconds.
He jolts next to me.
"Really?" He says surprised, grinning cutely.

"I guess," I say casually, trying to hold in my excitement and nervousness.

"You're one of a kind, and your smile-"

"Don't, stop right there," I say "don't go all soppy on me solider,"

"Sir yes sir," says Trent lifting his hand to his forehead and smiling at me like a dork jokingly with his ever so amazing smile.

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