The End.

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*an hour later*

"We've been guarding for like 2 hours," I say "when is he going to relive us?"

Austin looks at his house and squints his eyes, and smiles.

"He's asleep, that's why," he says giggling, "look at the second window on the left." And sure enough I see the man face down on the bed.

"Should we go exploring!?" I say excitedly, this guarding shit is not for me, but suddenly I feel kinda sick.

"Hell yes!" Says Austin holding his hand up for a high five, but I double over and grab my stomach, leaving him hanging.

"Are you okay?" Asks Austin putting his hand on my back worriedly,
"Nori what is it!?"

"I think I'm gonna-" and I vomit all in front of me. Horrified, Austin grabs my hair and holds it back out of my face, while I repeatedly spew all over the wall we're standing on.

"Is it over?" Says Austin after a few minutes,

"I think so," I say standing up straight, and feeling disgusted.

"Great, now my breath is going to stink for the rest of the day," I say making Austin chuckle,

"Nori," he says sounding serious, "have you and Trent uh..." Whatever he's talking about, it must be a awkward topic, and I think I know where he's heading. "..done anything recently?"

I choke on my own tongue, "you think I'm pregnant!?" I say horrified,

I spin and look away from Austin and put my hands on my hips, thinking hard. I can't be pregnant, I'm only 15.

"Nori-" says Austin sympathetically,

"Yes!" I say spinning back around and facing him, "we had sex." that's definitely something I never thought I'd hear myself say.

Austin sighs, "does Trent know?"

"No! I'm not pregnant!" I say stubbornly, there's no way.

"Okay, let's drop the topic and go exploring, yes?" He says smiling, looking like if he says the wrong thing I might break his arm.

"Good idea," I say, still shocked about the thought of being pregnant.

"Just, please don't vomit on me," he says making me chuckle.

We walk down the long road away from the wall, we can only hope no walkers come. And we find a candy store, it looks like it's been picked clean but we wonder in anyway.

Austin holds his gun out and checks the place out,
"we won't need to check," I say "the commander would have already cleared the place of zombies."

He lowers his gun and puts it in his pocket, "the smell of candy brings back memories," he says sniffing the air and smiling.

I could really go for some tim tams right now, and oh my god when you bite two ends and suck hot chocolate through the tim tam, ughhh heaven!

"Looks like this place has been picked clean," says Austin sadly, but one thing no one knows is that I worked at a candy shop for a few months, and I know where the boss hides his stash.

I walk over to the counter and try to open a draw under the desk, but it appears to be locked, dammit.

"Needing these?" Says Austin dangling a pair of keys. I walk over to him and reach up to grab them, remembering I'm 5'2 and he's like 6'4, there's no way I can get them.

"Austinnnnnnn" I say struggling and jumping up and down to try and grab them out of his hands while he chuckles, "I'll vomit on you," I say and he drops the keys and a disgusted and scared expression is plastered on his face making me giggle.

I open the draw and walla! some candy is sitting in there. M&m's, skittles, gummy bears and sour worms!

"I found treasure!" I say throwing some packets of lollies at Austin.

After we inspect the candy store we move next door to a little supermarket, where Austin taps me on the shoulder and hands me something in a brown paper bag.

"What's this?" I say, and Austin keeps a straight face,

"Pregnancy test," he says backing up, I don't say a word.
"There's a bathroom in the back," he says and he walks and sits near the door and begins to eat his lollies, and for a moment I feel like throwing it back at him and called him an idiot, but what if I really am pregnant?

I take the test to the bathroom, and shut the door.
I walk over to the sink and look at myself trough the smashed mirror, I look horrible. Baggy eyes, blotchy skin and my hair is a mess. I take the test out of the bag, my hands shaking.

*after taking the test*

I sit on a stool, and wait for the test results to come up. It feels like eternity, but really it's only a few minutes. What if it comes up positive? How do you raise a child in this world? I pray for it to be negative, I also hear voices outside, and someone say "pregnancy test!?" Out loud, and footsteps coming closer and closer to the bathroom door, I know them footsteps by his boots- it's Trent.
I gather up the courage to look at the test before he comes bursting in.
I pull my eyes from my lap and I gaze on the test, a blue + is shown.


The end.

I'm 99% sure I'll be doing a second book soon!

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