Ball Of Cuteness

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Day 14
*next morning*
I wake up and look at the clock on the wall, 5:02am.
I'm absolutely freezing and can't get back to sleep. Winter is coming way too fast, and on most zombie movies the walkers slow down during winter? I don't know how true it is but we haven't had many encounters with walkers as we're outside the city so I'm not fussed. But paradise and happy times don't last long in a zombie apocalypse.
I wander what Carl off the walking dead is doing right now? Is he alive? He probably has a good advantage from being on the show, even though it's not real... Okay- enough dordling, stay focused Nori.
I creep out of bed and tip toe to the lounge area wrapped in my blanket like a burrito and turn the gas heater on and sit in front of it, and moments later I hear someone say;
"And what do you think you're doing?" Says Austin emerging from the dark bunk room.
"We need to save the gas," he says turning the heater off.

"Just 5 minutes please?" I plead.
He sighs and turns it back on and walks back into the bunks and I hear him crash on his bed and quickly fall asleep.
I'm so small and fragile- I get cold easily, and hot easily, I'm not even that strong, but mentally I am... most of the time anyway, I'm pretty stubborn.

"Hey there," says Alan walking out from the bunks a few minutes later.

"Did I wake you up?" I ask

"No, Austin did with his complaining about the gas heater," says Alan rolling his eyes.

I giggle, "he's only trying to save the gas, knowing me I'd probably leave it on for hours."

Alan shrugs and gets a bowl of cereal and sits down next to me.

"So, you and Trent huh?" He says nudging me.

"Shhh, he'll hear you,"

"Oh well, he already told you he likes you," says Alan smiling.

I look at the heater and get lost in my own thoughts when Alan says;
"Do you like him too?"

Of course I like him, he's so sweet- and handsome might I add, but I'm not the type of girl who admits to liking someone. I'm the type of person who says they hate everyone.. which is partly true- but I do get crushes.

"Maybe," I say simply getting up, turning off the heater and getting into bed leaving Alan alone in the lounge area.

"Get up!" I hear Austin yell while shaking me,

"What is it?" I say groaning.

"Come look!" He says skipping off somewhere else in the bus.
Damn, he's in a good mood today, which is a great sign- he's normally so on edge, I'm glad he's finally loosened up a little.

I get down from bed and notice it's now just past 10am. I walk outside in Trent's FIR shirt and some track pants.
We're pulled over on the side of the road and we're surrounded by trees- which brings back bad memories from the lake side cabin resort.
I spot Alan, Trent and Austin 20 metres away all crowded around something- and I decide to go inspect.

"What is it?" I say walking up to them, feeling kinda nervous, and keeping an eye out for walkers.

"Do you know how dangerous it is to be out here with no one watching for walk-" but I stop speaking when I push through them and see what they're all looking at.

A cat, a mother cat. But she appears to be dead as shes not moving.. But she has two kittens huddled up next to her.
A little black kitten and a tabby, scrunched up beside her in fear- poor babies.

"They have to be at least 2 weeks old," I say picking up the tabby and Alan picks up the black kitten.

"They're not old enough to survive on their own," says Alan looking at Austin with puppy eyes.
"Can we keep them?" He asks.

Austin looks at me and I nod. Who wouldn't love two kittens? I'm massive crazy cat lady, and these kittens are seriously too cute to leave on the side of the road.

"Sure- but I'm not cleaning their litter boxes," he says walking back to the bus.
Do we even have a little box? He'd probably just find a tub or something for them to use. Plus we don't even have any cat food- but we do have cans of Tuna, and that'd work wouldn't it?

"Don't you think we should do something with the mother?" Says Trent sadly looking down at the poor cat.

Alan walks off into the trees and comes back with 2 flowers and sits them on the mother, and walks back into the bus with his black kitten.
I sniffle and walk into the bus with Trent beside me and I find Austin rummaging through the storage cupboards and yells "walla!" When he finds a flat tub.

"What do we fill it with?" asks Alan patting the little black kitten.

"We could just use dirt," I say and Austin looks at me funny.

"Well, it's not like we'll run out of it, plus it's easy to get," I say handing the tabby to Trent and grabbing the tub and an old cup and walking outside.
I shovel some dirt into the tub and hop back on the bus and find Alan sitting on the ground with his little kitten biting his finger.

"What do we name them?" Asks Trent stroking the little tabby and making kissy lips at it.

"Mines Sooty!" Says Alan
"Get it? Because it looks like he had just fallen down a chimney, and that he's covered in soot," says Alan smiling cutely.

Trent passes me the Tabby, and I think hard for a name while stroking the frightened kitten.
"Nala," I say, content with the name chosen for my kitten.

"Wait, but how do you know if it's a girl or boy?" Says Austin looking at the kittens.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see," I say smiling down at the ball of cuteness in my arms.

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