Trouble In Paradise

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Austin walks over and shuts the door to our cabin and turns to us,
"Did anyone else notice the strange looking doors in their house?" Says Austin sitting down on the bed,

"Did you hear the noises coming from them too?" I say sitting next to him, leaving Alan confused standing in front of us as if he doesn't know what we're talking about, which doesn't surprise me as he was clinging onto my arm the whole way through the house,

"There was big bulky wood doors with steel reinforcements throughout their house, and there was strange noises coming from them," says Austin

"They probably did it to keep the zombies out " Says Alan looking through the cabin window,

"Or in," I say grimly.

A few minutes later Austin breaks the silence, "well, do you want to go exploring?"

"Hell yeah," says Alan, jumping with excitement like a little kid.
We all head outside and take a walk around, our cabin is 50 metres from the lake, and Susan and George's cabin is next to ours, we're all surrounded by trees which have started to change colour from the changing seasons which makes this place look even more like paradise.
But there's also no defence from zombies- no fencing, no lookouts, nothing. They could easily attack us, we're pretty much defenceless, which makes me worry a lot.

We walk over to the lake, which looks stunning with the reflection of the trees casting over it. I look over at our cabins and see the old man looking through the window at us, he see's me and closes the curtain- how creepy.
And of course, Alan takes off his socks and shoes and goes into the water
"You know you's want to," Alan saids looking at both me and Austin smiling and splashing water at us,
I walk over to the side of the lake- I'm not wearing any footwear so I walk straight in, and push Alan over without any warning and run off laughing, 'he so didn't expect that,' I giggle 'I'm so mean'

I call for Austin and Nori to join me in the lake, Austin shakes his head- pussy, but Nori comes over, and pushes me over unexpectedly and running off laughing 'she's so gonna regret that,' I say getting up and running through the water after her trying not to fall while I see Austin laughing a few metres off shore.
I watch as Nori runs into the tree line and disappears "you can run but you can't hide!" I yell running into the trees, I stop and look around- I can't see or hear her.
"Come our Nori," I say, walking through the trees quietly, hoping I can sneak up on her, but a few minutes past and I still haven't heard anything- not even birds, which is odd because the trees were full of them when we came..


I see Alan, I watch him look around for me, waiting for him to turn the opposite way so I can run. I flatten by back against the tree and turn away from Alan when I see zombies- no longer than 2 metres away appear out from behind a line of trees and walk towards me- I let out a scream and walk backwards around the tree I was hiding behind, tripping over a tree root and scuttling backwards on my back,
"Alan, Austin!" I squeal with the zombies getting dangerously close by the second, and Alan quickly rushes up to help me to my feet, and we sprint out of the trees, and by this point I'm already crying.
Sobbing and running through the trees we burst out into the clear field in front of the lake and Austin is already running our way- and I see the old couple hopping down the stairs from their cabin and coming over as fast as they can- which is a walk, because they're old.
I look behind me and there's 7 zombies following us, baring their teeth and stumbling as they walk- they're an exact replica of the walkers from The Walking Dead, which makes it even more terrifying.
Austin runs up to us, "are you's okay?!" He asks, watching the walkers behind us get closer and closer. Alan tries to reply but he's so out of breath he just open and closes his mouth looking like a fish out of water, Austin does a quick look at me and Alan and looks content that we're in good shape and not bitten and encourages us to run.
We bolt for the cabin of which George and Susan live in, and they're both standing out on the steps, Susan looking terrified and old George looking emotionless like always and aiming at the zombies with his rifle.

*fast forward a couple hours*

I'm still shaken up by that experience, so we spend the rest of the day in our little cabin together.
I don't know what the time is- but it must be around 6pm because the sun has almost set and we're enjoying the gorgeous sunset sitting in our cabin by the window eating soup and toast which Susan had brought us, which I must say isn't too bad, and after eating our dinner we decide to call it a night- even though it's early we're all pretty tired from today's shenanigans.
We all huddle up in bed, me in the middle and Alan and Austin on my sides, ain't no zombies getting to me now.

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