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*fast forward to the next day*

Day 2

I wake up, still clutching onto a knife which I had taken from the kitchen, and make my way downstairs to the lounge room.
I had fallen asleep in the early hours of the morning waiting for dad to come home- he never did. I look up at the clock hanging on the wall- it's 7:23am.
I walk down the stairs, the cold wood making patting sounds as I quietly and cautiously make my way to the first floor of our house, I peak around the corner and look into the lounge room- no ones there and there's no evidence that someone has came inside.
I lower my knife which I had been clutching to my chest, and grab out my phone and dial my dad's number
Ring ring- ring ring
I try again
Ring ring- ring ring
My heart races, 'what happened last night?'
I walk back up stairs, and look out my window to get a view of the city, as it's the only room facing that direction.
But to my surprise, everything looks normal, there's no smoke from the blast last night, I see nothing distressing at all.. wait- actually, I see no one at all, strange.
Getting a bad feeling from deep inside my gut, I back away from my window and once again head back down stairs, this time to get breakfast
'Frootloops, it's calling my name,' i say excitedly running down the stairs and jumping the last 3 and trudging over to the cupboard where we keep the cereal.
The sugary goodness warms me inside and out, taking my mind off the scary sight last night.
I decide it's too quiet and go to turn on the TV- but there's no signal
'Work you piece of crap,' I say annoyed, throwing the remote on the couch in anger, and I catch an odd glimpse of someone through the curtain covering the sliding door which leads outside, I walk over to the door, and pull back the curtain.
But no ones there- odd, I swear I saw someone, and as soon as I turn away, I see someone run down the middle of our street- screaming with their hands up in the air waving them around like a loony.
'And that is why I don't do drugs,' I say chuckling, oblivious to the danger outside. As I stare watching this woman run down our street, I see a swarm of people- but they're acting VERY strange- walking like... Zombies?
'ZOMBIES!?' I yell, catching ones attention as it obviously heard my stupid and which now I regret yell, and it starts heading my way. I flatten by back against the closed curtain 'Don't be silly- zombies don't exist Nori,' I try to reassure myself, peaking back out the window and seeing that this strange person is still heading my way
'Shit' I say under my breath- running upstairs and locking my door 'I need to get out of here'
I walk over to my wardrobe and pick out some clothes and stuff as much as I can into my bag; 1 om&m shirt, 1 fir shirt, a pair of trackies and jeans, and some other girl essentials (you don't want me to go into any more detail) leaving just enough room that I can shove some food into, then I realise 'crap, I left the front door unlocked.'
I open my bedroom door quietly carrying my backpack, and scuttle downstairs, trying to be silent but the damn floor boards aren't helping me by creaking every time I move, and when I look around he corner- everything seems clear, so I hurry over the cupboard and throw in some noodles and a couple cans of coke (I'm really not that healthy) which should do me a couple of days- and suddenly I'm given the fright of the life and something runs into the sliding door
'Jesus fucking Christ, who does this person think he is?' I say angrily. Did I mention I have anger issues? Yeah I have anger issues.
I stomp over the door, ready to punch whoever scared me right in the nose, and when I pull back the curtain I'm given another fright of my life- I'm faced with a bloody- mouth torn apart person- who is obviously not in the right mind set as he's pawing at the door like a dog wanting to be let inside
'What the heck is going on here?' I say, totally freaked out. I pull back the curtain to close it with such force is rips it off the fucking rail.
'Great' I groan, 'now I have no choice but to look at this ugly battered thing,'
I turn away, and suddenly I hear a loud crack- I spin around to see that the glass door is shattering in front of my very eyes.
I panic and bolt down the corridor and run outside into our yard, which is horribly over grown and neglected- dads always at work and I'm way too lazy to clean this mess- I jump the fence and run down our street, I don't know where I'm going, as long as it's away from my house.

Second chapter done! I hope you enjoyed it. Austin and Alan will be coming soon!

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