Snow day!!! ❄️⛄️

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Rody finished cleaning quietly. After a moment of silence, he turned and stared out the window for a moment, shivering at the sight of the snow that hid the ground. He knew that his 'horse' wouldn't get him very far and that he'd have to walk home tonight. His legs began to feel weak at the thought. He hesitantly tore his attention away from the thought and towards Vincent, his totally mutual best friend. As if on cue, Vincent's voice seemed to appear behind him.
Rody jerked around to face him, eyes wide, recovering from the sudden scare. "V-Vince!" He stumbled over his words. Vincent was leaned against the wall, adjacent to the kitchen doors, glaring into Rody's soul judgmentaly.
"What are you still doing here? Go home already." Vincent demanded, eyes narrowing with irritation.
"Well..." Rody began, his gaze averting to his shoes self-consciously. "It's a bit... snowy outside, i-isnt it?" He laughed quietly.
Vincent groaned in frustration. He could easily tell the laugh was a pathetic attempt to hide his anxiety. "That's not my problem." He replied coldly.
Rody flinched at his careless words, hands clasping in front of him as he lifted his gaze back up. "I-i just think that it'd be hard... y'know, biking in this weather."
Vincent raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "What are you getting at, Lamoree?" He asked impatiently. "Get to the damn point."
Rody looked to the side, feeling his body heat up under Vincent's gaze. "I don't know..." He winced. "Is it too late to mention that my heater went out...?" His hands unclasped and fell to his sides, clenching nervously as he waited for the chef's cold response.
Vince narrowed his eyes again. What was this dumbass trying to say? "Spit it out already!"
"Do you mind if I stay at your place... j-just for tonight!" He started panicking a bit, blushing from embarrassment. He looked back up at Vincent, hoping he'd go easy on him.
Vincent blinked. You've gotta be fucking kidding me. He thought to himself. And that look on his face, looking like a kicked puppy. Who does he think he is, trying to guilt trip me like that? "You're serious?" He asked after a few moments of defening silence.
Rody felt a shiver climb his spine, even though it was quite warm in the restaurant. He nodded. "I- I mean, I can just go home if y-"
"No, stay." Vincent cut him off. Why did I say that? He looked at the ground. I guess I... panicked... His face began to turn less pale.

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