it cancels out ❌️🚫

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Why am I still here... Rody asked himself as he sat on Vincent's couch, staring blankly at the wall. Vincent was in his kitchen, cooking something. Rody groaned at the thought of eating Vince's food.
"Is something wrong?" Vincent, again, seemed to appear behind him.
Rody nearly jumped out of his skin, leaping to his feet and turning to face Vincent. "Uh, n-no, sir!" He
Vincent narrowed his eyes. "Your breakfast is ready, dumbass."
Rody flustered at the insult, taking it personally. He didn't mean it like that, He told himself. That's just his personality! Regaining his composure, he followed Vince into the kitchen to eat with him.

The food sucked. He'd never say that out loud because he knew Vincent would chop him up in a meat grinder, and the only thing that would come out, and that would be left of him, would be his eyeball. He finished eating, refusing to look up at Vince, feeling his eyes burning holes into his face. Why? Why was Vincent staring so intently into his soul? He stood up and began politely rinsing his plate off. Vincent suddenly stood beside him and did the same with his own plate. Rody flushed, his face throbbing. What happened, you may be asking? Their shoulders brushed together. Rody shot a side glance at Vincent. He, again, looked less pale. Wait a second, is Vincent looking healthy his equivalent of blushing? The pale of his skin and the red of blush must cancel out. Rody set his plate down and drying his hands, zoned out and lost in homosexual thoughts. He snapped back to reality when Vince began walking away and down the hallway. Rody hesitated, then followed him curiously. Vince entered his bedroom, leaving Rody alone in the hallway, his head cocked to the side in curiosity. He swallowed nervously and followed him, opening the door.
"Goddammit, Rody!" Vincent yelled suddenly. He was standing by the window, in the middle of lighting a cigarette. "Can't I go anywhere in my own damn home without you following me!?"
Rody shrunk back, eyes widening. "I-im so sorry, it won-"
"Ugh!" Rody's words were cut off by an angry goan from the smaller man. "I'm so fucking tired of hearing that goddam word!"
Rody looked down at the floor, his vision blurring. He'd made Vincent mad, and for some reason, it made his stomach tense up and his heart ache. "I'm- I'm sorry, I'll leave, I swear..." He whimpered quietly.
Vincent paused to look up at Rody, who was crying and visibly ashamed of himself. He groaned again and lightly hit his head against the window. This is no way to treat someone you like. He scolded himself. Now, he knew what he was about to say was nothing like him, but he knew Rody was too stupid and soft to think that he was lying out of pity, so he wouldn't be seen as a bad person. "Don't fucking cry.. youre already here, so just stay."

(Did anyone get the refrence?)

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