says a lot 🤨😏

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Rody didn't really sleep well. He was too busy thinking about what happened that day, as well as why he was staying at Vince's again. Whatever. He could tell Vincent couldn't sleep either.

Around 2, maybe 3 in the morning, Rody blinked open his tired eyes and lifted his head up. He didn't even remember falling asleep. He shifted a bit, and that's when he felt something around him. He looked down to see familiar, lengthy arms around his waist. He turned red again, but it didn't stop there this time. He winced, feeling himself hardened under the covers. Why? Why is this happening? Vince's asleep, right? So could he have done this in his sleep...? Rody shivered, feeling Vince's breath on his back, a little below his neck. He started panicking. Does he like me? No, anyone could... accidentally cuddle with someone else in their sleep, right? Like, maybe he's having a dream about a girl. Yeah, that's it!
Vincent's arms tightened around him as he shifted, basically nuzzling into the back of Rody's neck.
Do I like him? Rody asked himself. I'm blushing, i think... that's not normal, is it? I was not prepared for this! He gripped the sheets and squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for this to end.
No sleep would come. He groaned quietly and looked down at Vince's arms, gently putting his hand on Vince's. Rody started to relax and eventually fell back asleep.

Rody eventually woke to see the sun peaking above the horizon. He sat up and looked down at Vincent, now facing away from him. It must've been a dream. To be extra sure, he reached down and felt his tip. Dammit, wet. It was real. He quickly pulled his hand away and whimpered quietly.
Little did Rody know, Vincent was awake and was listening to him. Vince had woken up a few minutes ago and realized that he'd cuddled with him in his sleep, so he quickly pulled his arms away and turned around.
Rody eventually sat up and yawned, looking down at Vincent again. What day is it... Vince's alarm didn't go off, so it's Friday, right? Rody sighed and stared at the ceiling, still tired. The restaurant must be closed due to the stupid snow storm...
Vincent turned and sat up, looking at him shyly. "You're awake?"
Rody seemed surprised. "Have you been feeling okay lately?"
Vince froze. Uh oh. "Yes, I have... why do you ask?"
Rody looked a bit nervous. "Well, you've been looking more.. healthy, lately. Your face hasn't been as pale as it normally is..."
Vince sighed in relief, then groaned. "What the hell's that supposed to mean?"

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