Cuddle ❤️🏳️‍🌈

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As Rody settled into bed next to Vincent, he couldn't help buy stare at him for a moment. I love you, I really do! He sighed and pulled the blankets over him.
"What's with that sigh? Vince asked, scooting closer to him.
Rody flinched at the sudden question, not wanting to answer truthfully. "Well, it's just..." He started panicking. "I don't know, Vince! Everything's confusing right now, I'm kinda scared..." He admitted.
Vincent's eyes widened and he swallowed thirstilly. If I could just bite his neck, or maybe his chest... or... He looked down at Rody's waist. Fucking hell, let me mark you, let me taste your body! You're mine!
Rody let out a nervous whimper. "Uhm, Vince... Can I, uh-, ask you sonething...?" He gripped the sheets tightly. Fuck, now I have to ask!
Vincent propped himself up on one elbow, looked down at him with half-lidded eyes. He was attempting to turn Rody on in atleast some way so that he'd ask the question Vince wanted him to ask.
Rody started breathing heavier, his heart pounding against his ribcage. "W-well..." I can't fucking do this! "C-can you... hold me, j-just for tonight?" He looked up at him, his body felt weak. He pulled the covers over his mouth and looked away.
Vincent looked down at him more softly. It's better than nothing. He laid back down and pulled him closer, nuzzling into his collar bone and hugging him by the waist.
Rody was stunned, absolutely frozen, speechless. This isn't what I ment! I'd never have the courage to ask you to cuddle me! He wrapped his arms around the smaller man as well, never wanting this moment to end. I love you, Vince. He nuzzled his face into Vincent's well kept hair, inhaling his cigarette-smoke scent. It was comforting.
Vincent nudged his head against Rody like a cat begging for pets. He loved the way Rody's snout felt pressed against him, and he couldn't wait to have it sucking on his cock, to have it licking him all over, to taste his tongue. He suppressed a moan at the thought as his imagination started running wild. Oh, oh Vincent~! He imagined Rody whimpering. V-Vincent, Aahh~, it.. it hurts~! His breath started getting heavier. Mmggph, f-fuck me harder...~♡ Vincent let out a shaky, breathly moan under his breath.
Rody looked down at him after hearing some sort of sound come from him. "Are... you alright?"
Vince sighed and shoved his face into Rody's abbs. "Shut up and sleep." He mumbled.


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