New thoughts ❤️🍴

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TW: self hate and a silly little gayn't word :(

"I-I really don't get it..." He said quietly, not sure if this was the right thing to say. "Is there something... y'know, bothering you..? Because I'm noticed that you've been looking a lot more tired lately, so something must be keeping you up at night."
Vincent was staring at him intensely, still in shock about how fucking cute he was being right now. It must be on purpose, right? I didn't even think it was possible for a grown man to be so... so tasty... so delicious... His thoughts began to spiral.
Rody looked up after a moment and realized Vincent was avoiding eye contact. "Vincent? Please, tell me what's wrong..."
Vincent gritted his teeth together and stormed away, stalking into the living room. I can't take this shit anymore. I need to know what he tastes like. I need it now.
Rody whimpered quietly to himself, standing alone in the kitchen. How could you have possibly even considered that he likes you? Of course he doesn't, you disgusting little f×ggot... Rody told himself, tears swelling up in his eyes. I'm such a perverted piece of shit... what the hell is wrong with me..? Rody broke out into a sobbing mess. No wonder why Manon left me! He quietly ran off to the bedroom, not wanting to bother Vincent with his shameful, pathetic tears any longer.
Vincent paused as he heard Rody's frantic steps running down the hall. He looked down at the floor, thinking about how he just made the love of his life cry for the second time. Why do I keep doing this? I keep letting my frustration get the best of me! He ran down the hallway as well, opening the bedroom door to see Rody curled up in a ball in the corner of the room, crying his eyes out. Vincent froze in his tracks, his heart skipping a beat. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck- DAMMIT! He clenched his fists again. "R-Rody..." He began, trying to sound as sincere as possible, because he wasn't usually one to apologize. "Listen, I'm sorry."
"Y-you don't have to lie to me, I understand..!" Rody sobbed. "I'm just so stupid, so annoying..!"
Vincent's heart cracked like an egg. "I'm sorry, I said! Shut up, because you know damn well you're none of those things!" He closed the door behind him as he walked closer to him, kneeling down to his level. "I'm just tired. Nothing's wrong, and I didn't mean to take my frustration out on you."

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