Stop wine-ing 🍷🍷

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It was an hour before the end of Rody's shift, and he was serving the last guests. He walked over to a table of two and carefully set down a glass of expensive wine. He smiled, though his exhaustion was obvious.
"How much is this again?" The man asked as he took a sip from the glass.
Rody suppressed a sigh. "$350-something, if I remembered correctly."
Rody stepped to the side as the man spat out the wine. The man looked up at him with an expression that showed something Rody could only explain as a mixture between disgust and anger. "$350 for a glass of fucking wine?"
Rody looked down at the floor where the wine landed. "Well, th-thats not my desision..." He said quietly. Suddenly, the man jumped to his feet. Rody stepped back, eyes widening as he watched nervously.
The woman at the table stood up as well, desperately trying to calm her date. Ignoring her pleads, he poured the wine on Rody's head. He whimpered as he accepted his face.
Once all of the wine had been emptied, he slammed the glass onto the ground and reached for a bowl of hot soup. Before he could do anything, the kitchen doors swung open, Vincent standing in the doorway with wide, angry eyes.
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" He yelled furiously, storming over to them.
Rody was standing silently, still dripping with wine. He was staring at the ground, too exhausted to react.
Vincent grabbed the man by his hair, forcing him on his hands and knees in the glass. "CLEAN IN UP!" Vincent demanded, dropping a few napkins at his hands.
The still angry customer groaned and made a pathetic attempt at struggling, but Vincent was oddly stronger despite his malnutritioned appearance.
Rody flinched a bit and watched nervously, fidgeting with his hands behind his back. "I-It's okay, I can cl-"
"No, nobody treats my employees like shit." Vincent insisted, eyes blazing with anger.

(Note: Don't ask how the customer didn't know how much the wine cost before he bought it. I don't come up with the story, I just come up with the story.)

(Note²: it was for plot reasons)

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