Idiot. 🔞💦

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Vincent sighed and collapsed on top of him, understanding his mistake. Rody's soft. He needs to be comfortable first, jumping right into fucking him isn't gonna work. "Mmgh- Rody... I-... I'm sorry..." He began, attempting to guilt trip him into giving in. "I just... I can't control myself around you... You're so fucking hot and sexy.." He hugged him tightly.
Rody was speechless once again. He looked down at him with wide eyes. "U-uh, thanks..?" He said, more like he was asking a question.
Vince nuzzled into his chest again. "Please... please love me..." He begged. "Let me make you mine, just this once..." He whined, pleading like a kicked puppy.
Rody winced and looked away, his expression softening. "But... I'm not... ready..."
It's working. "Rody, please, at least tell me you love me." He sat up again. This worked with your girlfriend, it has to work with you.
Rody broke. "Fine..." He said quietly. "I, I guess I'll... y'know, let you- uh, sleep with me.." The larger man nervously laid back down. "Do-... do what you want.." He looked away, ashamed, once again.
Idiot. Accepting the invitation, he immediately started removing Rody's shirt.
Rody whined in protest, but soon gave into the heat of the moment. He self-consciously crossed his arms over his chest, trying to hide his body, but Vincent wasn't having it. He roughly grabbed Rody's arms and pulled them apart, the larger male didn't seem to resist much. Vincent began littering his chest with hickeys, moving down to completely undress the rest of him with his hands.
Rody whimpered, wincing nervously and refusing to look as he slowly became more bare and exposed infront of another man.
Once Rody was fully naked, Vincent set his hands on Rody's under-thighs and pushed his legs upwards. He kept Rody's legs up on his shoulders. He paused, eyes widening at the sensation of having his head inbetween a man's thighs. He shivered, turning his head slightly to bite one.
Rody gasped in surprise, still refusing to look. It felt so good, but so unfamiliar and scary at the same time.
Vince started licking and sucking on a specific spot as he reached down with one hand and gently teased Rody's tight hole.
Rody whimpered and started squirming again. "Vince...!" His legs instinctively tensed up, squishing Vincent's face. Apparently, that's what did it for Vince. He roughly and mercilessly shoved a finger deep inside him.
Rody let out a loud moan of surprise and pleasure."F-fuck, oh fuck!" He bit his lower lip, his nails digging into the sheets.
Vincent chuckled seductively. "I've only put one finger inside that tight hole of yours, and you're already writhing in pain~" He smirked, panting hungrily...

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