Im not gay 🏳️‍🌈❌️

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Rody let out a frustrated sigh. He was sitting on Vincent's bed, alone, in the early morning. He'd been thinking about Vincent for over ten minutes now, as well as why, again, he was still staying at his place. Something's telling me he wants me to stay here... He thought. He must've bought clothes for me, as if he was implying that I'd be staying here for a while... He sat up straight and stretched. It's not like we wear the same size... w-whatever, he's straight. I think. He stood up and left the room, making his way down the hallway and into the bathroom. Right, and that, too. He just happened to have two toothbrushes. Of course, he used the excuse that it was just an extra... well, that's probably not an excuse... He shook the thoughts away and began brushing his teeth.
He stopped in the doorway to the kitchen, realizing Vince didn't know he was there. He watched him silently, just... looking at him. Vincent was standing with his back turned to Rody, seemingly deep in thought. Rody couldn't help but stare at Vincent's slim body.
Dammit, why the fuck does he have to be so damn sexy, too!? Vincent dug his fingers into the cold marble counter in anger. Let me live in peace, you damn... you damn twink! Vincent hadn't gotten any sleep since he woke from that dream. He panted softly, still thinking he was alone in the kitchen. "Fuck this, why can't I just admit to myself that I like him?" He mumbled under his breath out of anger.
Rody's eyes widened. Fuck, now I'm hearing things too? Do I really like him that much...? He shifted his gaze towards the tiled floor. What the hell did I just say!? Im not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not-
"SHIT!" Vince exclaimed, staring at Rody with wide eyes. "Don't you know better than to sneak up on me like that!?" He yelled, fists clenching in anger. What if he heard me, dammit!?
Rody stepped back, eyes widened. "I-im sorry, Vince!"
"All you do is apologize!" Vincent yelled once again before going on an angry rant about how aggravating Rody was. But Rody wasn't listening.
Why does he... look so... uh, hot when he's angry...? He looked away again, clasping his hands together in front of him.
Vincent stopped when he realized Rody wasn't as affected as he should be. "You're not even fucking listening to me, are you?" He asked threateningly.
"Why are you mad?" Rody countered. "I-i really don't get it..."
Vincent scoffed. FUCK! He's so adorable...!

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