Please! ❤️🙏

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As Rody was thinking, standing near Vincent, the two of them just staring out the window, Rody's mind ran wild. Maybe he does like me! I'm not perverted, and what I thought I heard this morning was something he actually said... He shivered. The thought of cuddling with Vincent was a total turn on for some reason.
"You cold?" Vince asked, breaking into his thoughts. "I saw you shiver."
Rody blushed harder, avoiding his eyes. "Uh-, maybe..." Fuck this, I definitely like him.
Vincent put his cigarette out on the ashtray on his nightstand. He took a deep breath, (somehow), and grabbed the blanket at the side of his bed. He couldn't beleive he was doing something so corny.. and... kinda cute. He wrapped the blanket around the larger man and waited for his reaction, slowly looking up at him.
Rody was staring down at him with wide eyes. Kiss me, please, kiss me! He begged.
Vince sighed and rested his forehead on Rody's shoulder. "Rody..." He began. What's wrong with me? Why am I acting like this?
Rody's legs were shaking, he could barely hold himself up. His voice... so quiet, so soft and sexy at the same time. Vince was a perfect mix of comforting and intimidating. "Y-yes... Vince?" He let out a shaky breath.
Vince pulled away and shook his head. "Nevermind, I'm just tired."
Rody's heart sank. No! No, no, no, no, no, please, come back! Hug me, kiss me, cuddle with me, comfort me, do something...! Please...
Vince sat down on the edge of the bed. It was only two in the afternoon, so he couldn't go to sleep just yet. Of course, it wasn't the sleep he was looking forward to, it was the vulgar dreams he longed for. He hoped he'd have a dream where he got a taste of Rody.
Rody sat on the bed beside Vince, still wrapped in a blanket. It would be really cute it I just... leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder, huh? He yawned, wishing it was night already. It would be so romantic...
Vincent looked over at him, his lust suffocating him. Rody is soft and delicate. If I wanna love him, I have to be careful. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. So why the fuck am I so scared!? Probably because of this damn boner I guess...
Rody shifted nervously, his mind racing on and on about how hot Vincent is.

The two of them continued to have these gay thoughts about eachother for 10 minutes, Rody eventually ran to the bathroom to touch himself.

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