Hungry ❤️🔞

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Rody refused to fall asleep. He needed to savor every single moment of having Vince's arm wrapped around him and his face in his chest. He deeply inhaled Vincent's scent, shifting a bit and holding him tighter. It was only when Vincent tightened his grip as well that Rody realized the other man was still awake.
Vincent nuzzled into him again. Now why the fuck did he have to wear a shirt today... He tensed up a bit, grabbing Rody's clothes tightly.
Rody turned red, Vincent's hand oddly low. He squirmed a bit, pressing his lower half into Vince, making sure he'd notice how hard he was.
Vince flinched, pressing against him as well. He was so close to breaking, so close to sinking his teeth into the man's neck.
Rody winced and wrapped his legs around him, making sure to push harder against him. "V-Vincent..." He whimpered, his voice shaking. He took a deep breath.
Vince looked up with wide eyes. Was this finally it? I'm gonna mark him tonight, I'm gonna mark him tonight! Vince told himself, glaring at Rody's neck intensely.
Rody looked down at him, swallowing nervously. He looks like he's planning som-
Vincent suddenly grabbed Rody and climbed ontop of him, pressing his lips firmly against the other man's. Ignoring Rody's whimpers and squirms, he continued to forcefully feel around Rody's mouth with his tongue. He moaned and tilted his head to the side as he hungrily and desperately reached down into Rody's throat, making him gag and panick.
Rody shoved him away, eyes wide and a mixture of the two's saliva dripping down his lip.
Vincent immediately leaned back down and bit his neck, sucking on his soft skin.
Rody whimpered again and gripped Vincent's shirt, panting heavily. "Vince...!"
Vincent slid a hand under Rody's shirt, copying exactly what he had done in his dream.
Rody panicked. I don't care how horny either of us are, I'm not ready for this! "Vincent, enough...!" He pleaded desperately.
Vincent stopped and sat up, glaring into Rody's eyes with an absent, hungry look. He reached up and grabbed him by his hair, forcing his head up. He leaned back down, but before he could bite him again, Rody shoved him away with strength that easily over powered Vincent's small body. He pulled away, snapping out of his animalistic trance with a few blinks of shock.
Rody sat up, still panting. He looked away and shifted uneasily. "I'm sorry... it's just that, well... y-you're going a little too fast..."

(Mmgh finally *anime sounds*)

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